vanilla jello pops <3

Listening to: sublime
Feeling: zealous
oh my LORD i have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. so after school i planned on staying after for bio to get the rest of the labs done. zach comes to my locker telling me how theres like 400 AP kids in there and she wouldnt let him in. we wait awhile, go upstairs, and like 5 bio kids are standing outside waiting. so were all complaining about the same things that go on in our mentally retarted bio classes and how mrs betza is the only teacher who throws 2 labs a day at us trying to make up for the 6 months she was out the beginning of the year and doesnt even go over it with us. i had ms corgel last year for earth science and i did EXCELLENT, i was never behind and i had 90's all year. ive never had problems in science before until this year. granted it is my soul responsibility to make up work and whatnot, but i barely could say that i had a teacher because everytime she made me come in she had more important things to do, and thats a direct quote. if shes so concerned about the AP kids why doesnt she JUST teach them? anywho, we try to go back in and she flips out on maleica about test corrections and is telling us how she has no time for us or something. so at that point i made up my mind, im not making the rest of the labs up because she wont give me two minutes of her time to even GIVE them to me. even if i could take the regents, i failed all year so im going to have to take the course over anyway. i talked to ms corgel about it and she said to talk to my guidance counselor and say that she wants me in her class next year. i feel so dumb for having to take it over but even if there was a chance that i could pass or whatever, i didnt learn a damn thing all year and really i hate just doing things to do them, i like to get things out of anything i can. i know that sounds gay but seriously, this year has been shit thanks to her. i went through 8 months and what do i have to show for it? i know the DNA sequence annnd thats about it. i dont feel too bad cause a bunch of people have to repeat it either in summer school or next year, i think most people are opting for next year like ben pullano! so hopefully we'll have class together next year. its not even because im dumb because i know im smart when it comes to science stuff and ms corgel is probably one of the best teachers ive ever had. so the point is: no longer do i have to worry about wasting my time after school for that son of a bitch. WHAT A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME/ on a better note, the english final is from 4th grade i think. my allergies have exploded the past few days. brenda and i got the best idea on the phone today when i was on my trampoline. i thought i had a tent at my gramas but apparently i dont, and we cant use ivans, so were trying to find someone who will let us use their tent? haha cause were gonna put the tent on the trampoline and sleep on it :D and even if we cant find a tent ive slept on it before with lots and lots of blankets so its gonna be RAD. im not sure what night were doing it, i guess it all depends on if josh is going to brions and if ivan goes paintballing. me and brenda are always free :) hopefully saturday night because i hate doing things friday night but whaaatever. I LOVE THOSE KIDDDDIES!
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