you need a GPS to navigate through it

Feeling: foggy
ahhhhh hello! yesterday was the Warped Tour at Darien Lake. o m g. amazing. we got there a little late, lorin brenda jen and i, at about 1:30? so we missed Coheed :( but as we were driving in Rufio was playing :) we got pulled over on the way there for going 81 in a 65 lmao so poor lorin has a ticket to pay for just as shes leaving for college :( but despite that she had an awesome time. we went our seperate ways and brenda and i saw Alexisonfire and ended up seeing our friend from Hollister, syliva and lindsey burlingame? how random & gay is that? she looked disgusted during the entire performance. anyway Alexisonfire was amazingggggg, then we watched Allister. we're aquaintences with the band Fire When Reeady, we saw them in walmart the other night cause their from vestal. its so awesome, were friends with the roadie from The Erks too. connections, connections 8) thennn brenda watched Billy Talent & i like them and all but she was right in the pit and i dont really like being their unless its for TBS soo i waited in line for an hour and a half to get a fucking soda. they gave me a free hamburger for being patient haha and i think i was allergic to it.. but i shall write about that later. so i got back just in time and watched Fall Out Boy. we met them when we first got there and they signed our posters and they were all cool except for the bassist/ vocalist. the lead singer was so nice though. after Fall Out Boy brenda and i waited for TBS by the Teal Stage. as we were sitting by the fence Eddie from TBS was literatly 2 feet from me talking to this girl who was heel to heel with me, so just imagine how close i was :) he stared at me a few times and i didnt say anything cause he was just trying to chill out and these girls kept screaming and asking for autographs. they totally appreciate people who just are chill and dont feel the need to attack them right before their performance. the lead singer from Yellowcard walked by, and Tim from Sugarcult, and NFG. thennnn my main reason for going, TBSSS!! no one was even rocking out on the side close to the stage where brenda and i were, so Fred ended up pointing to us and smiling cause we were going crazy. then fucking adam saw us too and it was just awesome, going crazy deffffinately gets you noticed. so after they were done brenda and i were walking to the park to go on some rides and we talked to Matt from TBS and adam walked by and said hey to us. we went on the mind eraser with some small band that was playing, then we met up with jen & lorin and went over to the tour bus. none other than Adam Lazzara, Eddie Reyes, and the drummer from Fall Out BOy that we met earlier was sitting around in lawn chairs drinking. we went over and the drummer waved to me and adam goes I KNOW WHAT YOUUU GUYS WANT! and were like dude if youre busy or just trying to relax we totally understand and hes like joking around with us and shit and were telling him how amazing he is and ahhhhh for like 10 minutes we had a conversation with him while he introduced us to Eddie WHILE BRUSHING AGAINST MY SHOULDER :) we told him how we met him before and obviously we didnt expect him to remember us and hes like ahhh im the most spacey guy youll ever meet haha then he shook our hands and we passed out :) hahaha then we became friends with these 3 guys in this car that were backed up in traffic. annnnd this super hot guy in a Famous Stars & Straps van motioned us over and hit on me :) that was AWESOME. im like i love your hair and hes like i love yours too baby. wooooo hoooooo. it was sexy. the ride home was scary because my throat closed up practically all the way and i had so much trouble breathing: hence why i think i was allergic to the hamburger. i got so delerious too cause i thought at one point i was talking to Piebald about it.. uhh haha yeah so that was super scary. i'm doing better now but its midnight and im going out with mark :) sooo i will talk to everyone later :D
Read 4 comments
you are one lucky ass motherfucker haha;)glad you had a good time.
No she's not.

She missed Coheed again.


-you know who
i hate you soo much you luckkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy biiiitchhhh

so when you fuck adam, call me in the middle of it haha and tell me how amazing it is :*
we definitley had a conversation with adam lazzara..we should have gang raped him..hahahaaa

loveeee uuu loserrrrrrrr

-the other jen