and i admit that i was only waiting for the right time

Feeling: glowing
im loving all the comments ive been getting lately. i used to get so many and now i just leave comments on other peoples journals to get a few on my own, haaaa :) my parents are so funny, they bought me a new spinny chair for my computer because my other one has been broken for like 2 months now, and my mom bought a palm tree cushion for it & a palm tree welcome mat, hahaa. what a darling. this chair is where its at though, seriously so comfortable. half day wednesday, greattttt timing. hopefully that will make the weekend come faster. i havent been to syracuse in a little over a month, which means its too late to take back my cd player which brenda wouldnt let me take back for a nicer one when i found out my gift card was worth more than Scott had told me last time we went. GRRRR, this one is already starting to act gay. she needs to learn some patience skills :) i skipped out on tanning today, ive had a fever like all day and i was all sluggish and stuff. i dont know if its related to tanning but whatever, my face was all red. i get burnt sort of but im ammune to feeling it now, that cant be healthy. ah well.. if you leave comments ill give you a lap dance? :D
Read 2 comments
youre the most impatient person i know aight?!?! WE WERE IN THE MALL FOR LIKE 5 HOURS AND I WAS ABOUT TO HANG MYSELF so suck my cock and i love you

have fun in cuse!

dont get pregnant ;)
you werent in school. :(
imissedyou :)