i won't say goodbye anymore

Listening to: maroon 5 - this love
Feeling: attractive
good times. i stretched that bad boy header picture out myself. i'm starting to miss the gray beach picture with the topless girl on top of that guy. GAWD that was sexy. i need that. i'm going to get that. muhaha :) i didn't realize it was already quarter to 10, that sucks ass. i did nothing productive tonight. but that's okay, i'm not feeling so bad tonight :D umm.. what else.. eric's getting his pictures back from the fashion show, rofl. i can't wait to see those. speedo's & paint, oh mannn. my cousin is hott shit. this weekend is going to be bad ass. mark's parents are out of town so that means late night trips driving around binghamton, denny's, and walmart. i love mark with all my heart, he is a fucking great kid. what am i gonna do without him at the end of this year? it's sad when the cool seniors graduate. this year's graduation is gonna be HELLA sad. there all lucky bastards though. i've been thinking a lot about going to college in nyc, but i dunno yet. nyc is the only exception i'd make to living in the cold. plus, long island is right near it, and they get killer waves. it could be a good thing. we'll see when we get there... goodnight lovers :)
Read 3 comments
hmm. how do i say this nicely?
i've had better..wow i sound like a slut hehe.
heyy-i checked out your diary cuz of your name..hey lush...is that taking back sunday?? if it is, thats where i got my username thing too! if its not, then um...yeah oh well, you still seem really cool, and you listen to good music, which makes me assume that you really ARE cool (yay) soo yeah im new to the diary thing, so mine isnt too exciting, but leave me a comment or something, say hi, you know...haha