these are the people i'm going to die with?

Listening to: chaos
Feeling: disturbed
we're on a "Z" (zach wont stop bugging me) schedule right now, OMG CHAOS RIOTS IN THE STREETZ. at first it was kind of weird, chris saw a cop car pull in.. then another.. and 4 others.. and 10 others.. pretty soon theres like 15 in the circle and they were all running in with the dogs. pretty soon george bush will be flying in in his helicopter :) hahaha wouldnt that be awesome though, if we're on cops! everyone blows these things out of proportion, it's fun to think about though. i feel like i'm in a movie. if it really was a real bomb that would be scary as hell :( if i'm alive later i'll update ;) these are the people i'm gonna die with?..
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