haaahaha brenda rapes me after school and makes my hair all over the place, it looks sexxxxy right ;)

the loves of my life after the brand new concert, ivaaan brenda rachel eric and brion. i dont know that eric kid so minus him haha I LOVEEEE those kids.

Brand New, you cant even see them though.

whata fun night, rachels birthday. ashley, emilee, ryan, rachel, and brenda

two years ago this month dude, the 8th grade dance with craig, jessy, me, and zach. SUCH a fun night. not the dance but the limo rides, dinner, and chris's house after.

summer before highschool: eric on my gramas deck, im in love.

eric eating brendas fro.

the last sunset, summer '02.

my birthplace, Hyannis Massachussettes. havent been there in so long.

aw, 4 years old.

at jessys house last May.

my cousins school, hopefully my future school starting in about 3 months :)
good times.
#7 picture, that hat is of the scheezay fo' heezay. reminds me of marley.
I'm guessing someone was immature on this site thingy. If that's the case. I agree. Nice background picture. very relaxing