((i never made a scene))

us with the lead singer of My Chemical Romance way before the show started. lead singer of MCR signing autographs after the show. us again with the lead singer, after the show this time. ahhh.. the bassist from my chem!!!! I FUCKING AM IN LOVE WITH HIM, HOW HOT CAN ONE PERSON GET?! hahaha.. Matt & Adam, pretty tanked. i only got like 2 pictures of Senses Fail playing cause i'm short and i couldnt see over people :( senses fail. this was great.. everyones waiting for my chem to start playing and the lead singer was right next to us playing video games and the next few pictures are just all of My Chemical Romance, so enjoyyyy :)
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LMAOOO i love how it looks like im seriously retarded on the computer but not in the real picture... fun stuff

- brenda (aka "The Raptor")