think of all the days you spent.

Listening to: taking back sunday
Feeling: wanted
taking back sunday is one of those bands that when you haven't listened to them in a few weeks, and then you play their cd, you just fall in love all over again. i will honestly never forget how amazing they are live, and how amazing they make you feel. that was the greatest show ever. if anything ever tops it, i will be super shocked. ( ) ( ) ( ) think of all the fun you've had, the finest line divides a night well spent from a w a s t e of time. and think of all the days you've spent alone with your TV set and I, well i can barely smile. GO! hes smoked out, in the back of the van says hes held up with holding on and on and on and on and on.
Read 4 comments
whoaa i have honestly said that 1st paragraph before thats weirdd
aahaha i would just loove that we could run away to hawaii and you teach me how to surf because in my eyes are ARE the pro well in NY anyways ;)
i was supposed to see them when they played in long island but i dont know something happened i guess and i forgot about it.
ryan frick searched ur journal (lol he searched "Matt Tye" on yahoo..and found hes a moron :o)

love you :o):o):o)

