pull my hair.

Feeling: wistful
first day back. everyone was singing Yellowcard & Blink 182, it was pretty funny that they think there seriously new, when other people have been listening to them for YEARS. i didnt even bother going off because i figured hell, its a new year and whatnot. i even changed my clothes for gym! hahaha good stuff. handed in the fucking research paper. FINALLY its over. im so relieved. poetry is next, doesnt seem so bad. easy stuff. explicating and all that crappp. jessy punched me in the arm today, and it hurt and all but a few periods later someone noticed that it was hella swollen and all bruised. ive never had a swollen bruise before so i was kinda worried, and pissed because it fucking hurt. ugh... all around, everyone is still extremely gay. i did not expect that to change. but i have changed, so i just let it go sort of un-noticed. whatever. let them all fuck themselves! before 9th period ryan frick was talking to me, and i was like..dude..we havent had a real talk in a long time..and yeah i need to talk to you about something important, so he gave me his cell number and all. i dont know when im going to call, but i guess it will be needed. nothing SUPER important, just something. all around it was just a boring day. we had an hour delay, which sucks because any sort of delays make the day seem longer. neil better be in school tommarow, study hall was boring and i went back early today :X ah anyways, leave a comment or something? ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: So I'd like to make some changes, Before you arrive. So when your new eyes meet mine, They won't see no lies. Just love. Just love.
Read 6 comments
Gah, school sucks. It's wrong that we all have to go through it.
But then again, work sucks more. So we should be greatful *cough, cough*
i wish i was cool...
i hate how we dont talk.

oo i hate the people tooo it really made me depressed when i had to go back and hear all the drama and how dumb people are. oh well
*pulls your hair*

love your layout