
Feeling: brilliant
i was in such a bad mood today, started off by the boys hitting me as hard as they could in homeroom cause i was paralyzed, normally id never ever get mad at that because i find it funny when they beat the shit out of me but it just was gay cause it was blatantly obvious that i was in pain. i planned on going to the pep rally because i had no way to leave but brenda got me and we ran out the back doors and had lisa pick us up. so i went home and took a nap cause this week has been a pile of shit and i needed to just not think for awhile. brenda and i were supposed to go to the city this weekend but with the accident her mom didnt wanna have to worry about me being there with them so just brendas going, it makes me incredibly sad because i have nothing to do now all weekend, ivans paintballing and hes like my only other friend? rofl brions in virginia and rachel will prolly be with ashley but maybe we'll get together. at 7 brenda and i went to the school to see the 3 bands play, it was pretty cool. people were soo boring though, there all so "punk rock" and shit but they just stood there. didnt even bop their heads to the beat. anyway Spoiled Imagination was really good, you just couldnt hear Kevin or Bill singing. Kevin took a few sips of his water and spit it in the crowd and since i was 5 feet in front of him it got all over me which was hottttttt. then adam's band that i guess was just a joke cause they made it in 2 weeks, they were so great. we had a lot of fun with that, the dolphin song was a hit. i talked to mr. perricone about the accident for awhile, hes the gentlest soul ive ever met :) i didnt really watch zac chastains band cause ive seen them play a few times before, so i talked to drew & mike for awhile. mike and i talked about when we went to NYC together in january and how he got ripped off by giving some random black guy $60 for a fake ID back at his "lab" and wondered why the guy took off and never came back, hahahaa good kids. then emilee rachel ashley maura brenda and i dropped brenda off then went cruiiiisin in emilees car with some gangsterrrr beats. we went to see vince & nicks new house and tony was there and he let us come in and see it. fucking I N C R E D I B L E. i so wish i was rich. then i got home and my nose started bleeding, which is funny cause i havent had that happen in a few years and it used to happen daily when i was a kid, ive got something wrong in my nose with the membranes being too thin or something i forget. but its hella cold out tonight and it was really warm in here so the extremeness makes it bleed. kinda gross. now im waiting for brenda to come say bye to me before she heads off for the weekend. I HATEEE HER. nah its all good i understand where her moms coming from. so like the last day of regents were gonna go down for awhile and we wont have to worry about coming back for school. so for now im gonna wait for brenda to get here then go to sleep. later assholes
Read 6 comments
i take that little last remark as an ensalt!!!!
yes i dont like it eaitherrr...grr!
"ivans paintballing and hes like my only other friend?"

-good to know where i stand loser.
:o( :o(

effing rad header pic,
'i like you when i take over the world your death will be quick and painless'
-stewie from family guy

hey sweet diary
I live about two hours away from Endwell in a town called Lock Haven - it's not much better. You SO should drive down and see us! Matts doing good..he'll be a senior this coming up school year. times sure does go by. talk soon <3
