oh, we dance in misery.

Listening to: AFI
Feeling: content
ivan your last entry brought on a barrel of laughter. :) this entry is pointless but i had the urge to write before i took a shower..? the used concert was saturday night. me and brenda were supposed to go..but you had to have ID saying you were 16.. i was so bummed you dont even know. were going to so many concerts in 2004. your going to be like eating our asses and it sucks for you :) going to get a new cell today, if i like any of the ones there. mine doesnt ring anymore. i dont care what my cell phone looks like. i just want it to ring. id prefer to keep the one i have and just get it fixed or get the same model. its plain and no one else has it so thats why i love it. No Doubt vans? are they coming in the mail soon? yes. i need to get my new diamond ring sized too. HOLY SHIT. the greatest thing ever happened last night. there was one teacher i was truly in love with back when i was in 7th and 8th grade. he was a substitute, and i used to stay after with him every single day. i started going out with paul in 8th grade and i was like omg too cool to talk to him anymore so we lost touch and i didnt see him all last year and i figured he moved out of his parents house and stuff. he wasnt that much older than me, not like DRASTICALLY older ya know. he was like 21 at the time. anyways. me and neil were up at like 2 last night looking on google and i was typing peoples names in and seeing what would come up. so i typed in that sub's name..and he has his own website. i wasnt all that sure if it was him, until i read his resume. "Independent Consultant at Maine Endwell School District, 9/00 - 8/02." yeah i was fucking stoked to say the very least. so i emailed him. i didnt even have to work up courage i was just like holy fuck i havent seen you my love in like 2 years! yeah i didnt swear in the letter though. i made it sound formal. haha. he lives in Jersey now. yeah so hes the love of my life.. * * * * too stupid to be aware of the beauty that you gave this place, and how shitty this town is without you in it..
Read 6 comments
Mr Longo is my new love~~sorry max.
OH MY GOD, i love you! i was in love with this teacher when i was a ... sophmore i think, he said if i were 10 years older then.. but... duuuude, i know what its like to find someting like that, GOLDMINE!!!!!!... i hope you all can talk...
the name of my el-font-o is courier new.
haa yes i realyl would like to do that it would be very enjoyable:)
ahh was it mr worden? cuz that woul;d be great if it is
-dani ella