
its been awhile, so heres an update. babysat my cousin friday night, my aunt & uncle were late getting home & drunk so it was funny. mark kyle & brenda picked me up, we did duster and went to Denny's. i think brenda went home and we probably went to kyles house for awhile. saturday i had an interview @ Eckerd in Vestal and i got the job. then my mom and i went shopping. i went home and hung out then went out to Harpersville to pick up Joeii w/ Mark, then we got Kyle and got some more duster. there was a party in Harpersville so we got there and met up with Brenda, Brion, Ashley, Bean & Flo. i did so much duster that i passed out 4 times, everyone was really worried too. i kept hearing everyone screaming above me and everyone kept having to pick me back up. i felt like a celebrity though, thats what i kept hearing in my mind. that shit is crazyyyyy. i had like 4 beers too, so i was pretty fucked up which was absolutely awesome because it hadnt been a good week. i met this awesome kid Justin, he kept obsessing over how i was his buddy. kyle and i made out while i was passed out. the party was getting lame so joeii drove us to wendys, kyles house to drop him off, then mark and i spent the night at joeii's. the next morning mark and i went to the movies to see Little Black Book and ate way too much popcorn. Popcorn + a hangover = really bad. everyone was at rachels lake that day, so i went shopping for work clothes. then brenda and i got in a fight but we ended up making up. yesterday i picked rachel & brenda up and we went to the mall to see mark. he gave me a huge kiss when i saw him and that made my day cause i was super depressed. after the mall i took rachel home, then brenda and i got into another fight on the way to her house. this one was way worse and it was horrible. i dont know what the hell it was but the past few days weve just been nagging the hell out of each other and it really sucked. i went and bought my warped tour ticket for wednesday, and then we made up and now we're promising to never fight like that again. i love her an infinite amount :) last night mark picked us up and brion & tommy breymeyer came with us to get duster @ walmart. brenda wasnt gonna do any but she ended up doing way more than she ever has and she had to go home cause she thought she was gonna die. we all did way too much and brion and i passed out about 3 times in the barnes & noble parking lot. then we got taco bell, took brenda & tommy home, and us 3 drove out to H-Ville to get Kyle. we took brion home, then went to Binghamton. i messed up my voicemail by switching it to spanish settings, but luckally kyle knew enough spanish to fix it. then we went to the Belmar, and out to kyles house to chill for awhile. i got home at like 3:30 and i slept til noon today. tonight we're all going to Chi Chi's for team trivia.. guarenteed to see Trevor which is gonna be super awkward. tomorrow is the WARPED TOUR !!!!! with lorin jen & brenda.. i'm so stoked about that. so many people we know are going to this one, like jason falcon!!!! it's gonna be awesome. i still need to scan my pictures from the last one. i'll be writing thursday sometime to let everyone know how it went :)
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what the hell is duster?
it's more fun than anything should be.
but probably not as fun as the warped tour. *whimper* some people don't get to go to it. but it's chill... i'm sure you'll explain it to me and make it feel like i was there, hehe. hope you had fun. talk to you when you get back.