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Listening to: blink x violence
Feeling: wanted
Part 1 -- The Basics What's your name? ::: Jenn Birthplace ::: Cape Cod, Massachusettes Age ::: 15 Age you act ::: i'd say about 23 Current location ::: fuck me, New York Eye color ::: dark brown Hair color ::: blonde//brown Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: righty Zodiac sign? ::: aries Height? ::: 5'8 Part 2 -- Describe... Your hair ::: long//lots of layers Your fears ::: death. Your perfect room ::: sandy floor, palm trees, sliding glass door thats opened with blowing long curtains looking out at the beach, canopy bed, lots of art, chinese baskets, hot tub, and just a ton of space. What you practically do in a day ::: usually school, drive home with neil & brenda, chill around, eat, tv, sleep. Part 3 -- What is/are... Words you overuse ::: um, gay, stoked, fuck Phrases you overuse ::: umm dad?, lmao, i'm so stoked, fuck off Your first thought when you wake up ::: should i go to school today? Your greatest accomplishment ::: surfing Something you want to do ::: travel Part 4 -- This or that Pepsi or Coke ::: pepsi McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: burger king Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: britney's over-allness, but christina's voice Chocolate or vanilla ::: neither Adidas or Nike ::: nike Black or white ::: black & white checks// Bills or Coins ::: coins Burgers or hot dogs ::: burgers Egypt or France ::: egypt Rock or rap ::: rock Part 5 -- Do you... Smoke ::: cigs, once in a great while. Cuss ::: pretty much every other word Sing well ::: sometimes Sing in the shower ::: nah, i do all my thinking in the shower Talk to yourself::: more than i talk to people, which is a lot Believe in yourself ::: yeah Like taking these long ass surveys? ::: yep Play an instrument ::: i can play a little guitar. i used to play french horn & flute in 4th and 5th grade. i wanna play drums. Want to go to college? ::: yes Want to get married? ::: maybe once i meet some hella chill guy Want to have children? ::: maybe Think you're a health freak? ::: nope Get along with your parents ::: yesss Get along with your siblings? ::: not usually Part 6 -- In the past month have you.. Gone out of state ::: yes Drank alcohol ::: yes Smoke ::: yes Get high ::: no Done any drugs ::: no Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: yuck Been on stage ::: no Gone skinny dipping ::: no Been dumped ::: no Dyed your hair ::: nope Stolen anything ::: not from a store, but yes. Part 7 -- Your friends! =D Craziest ::: brenda Loudest ::: erin Most shy ::: ivan Blondest ::: myself Smartest ::: ivan, smartie tartie ;D Kindest ::: hmm.. emilee :) Best personality ::: probably emilee cause she's so sweet but not fake Most talented ::: probably ivan, he's got it all :) Best singer ::: erin Most ghetto ::: erin & maleica hahaa Drama Queen ::: hmm.. i wont say Funniest ::: brenda Best person for advice ::: brenda Dependable ::: brenda Trustworthy ::: brenda, ivan, rachel Druggie ::: ericcca, haaa Most likely to end up in jail ::: probably erin Person you've known the longest ::: maleiccca [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] Last dream ::: a few nights ago Last nightmare ::: last week Car ride ::: yesterday Last time you cried ::: saying goodbye to melissa Last movie seen ::: sidewalks of new york {great fucking movie, its always on HBO} Last movie rented ::: don't remember Last book read ::: black boy Last word said ::: (i dont remember) Last curse word said ::: fuck Last time you laugh ::: few minutes ago Last phone call ::: few hours ago Last CD played ::: brand new Last song you listened to ::: jason mraz x you and i both.. thats my song right now. Last annoyance ::: my brother and his friend Last IM ::: ivaaaaan Last weird encounter ::: running into matt at my locker Last person you hugged ::: mom Last person you yelled at ::: mom Last time you wore a skirt ::: homecoming Last time you've been evil ::: evil? Sarcastic? ::: who knows, i'm always sarcastic Last time you fought with your parents ::: not in a long time Last time you wished upon a star ::: not since 7th grade Played Truth or Dare ::: oh jeez, prolly at jason's with the ghetto hicks the summer going into 8th grade Spent quality time alone ::: every damn day Part 9 -- Random Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: ivan Do you feel lonely ::: yeah, not right now but most of the time Ever TP'd someone's house ::: nope How about egging someone's house ::: nope Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: probably What do you think of George Bush? ::: he's a fucking.. actually. i'm not going to say anything. he's a horrible president & he's not going to get re-elected so it doesn't matter. Any secret fetishes? ::: yep, secret. Do you like to wear chains? ::: no? How many languages do you speak? ::: two, español y ingles
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jennnn ur such a fuckin lush mannnn..haha :o).. i wish i was getting drunk with u..u damn loser :o)

