i'm a learners permit driver baby.

Listening to: Jay Z// brand nizzle
Feeling: awesome
awesome birthday. went to tony's 7th period with rachel, ryan & erica and got some goooood pizza, rushed back to school without getting caught, got an 85 on my spanish speaking test, went to wendys to get frosties with mark & brenda, went to the DMV with my daddy and PASSED my permit test!! i got 5 wrong though, and you can only get 6 wrong LOL but hey passing is all that matters right? then we went driving for a little while, my first time driving in traffic and i did awesome, went back to my house to open some small gifts my mom bought me including GOTHIKA, best movie. and just some silly stuff my mom goes out of her way to get me because shes the best mom ever, then we got brenda and all went out for CHINESEEEEE, yess. me and brenda of course spit out most of our food by laughing so hard, praying, and talking about Bean. we had our own romantic table :) i brushed my hand up against some guys ass and he like winked at me, and he was ohhhh about 55 :) then my grama drove back from Vestal and i decided i might as well drive brenda back to her house, so we stopped at my gramas to go to the bathroom and then i drove brenda home, which was just awesome and made me feel so damn cool. went inside to see my second family, donnae lisa brion barry lorin & brendas grama on the phonnnne, who i miss like crazy. i borrowed brendas Vans because my sandals were not working well with driving, then drove my grama back to my house and she was making me feel awesome because she said i am a freakin GOOOOOD driver, and it was my only 2nd time in traffic so holler. honestly, its the best feeling ive ever had. just the feeling that now as long as i can get an adult in a car i can go anywhere i want. and my dads not being a douche bag about it at all, he said i can drive to school a few times a week if he doesnt have to go to work early. then my aunt was talking to me online and told me shes teaching me how to drive stick when i get down there so i can drive to the beach, and she'll probably let me drive without her and since theres no cops around eric i probably will :) only a week left baby. awesome stuff going on right now. except my allergies.. im about 2 seconds from cutting my nose off. {i just wanna believe i just wanna believe i just wanna believe **** *** ** * in us.}
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