no longer will we wait for your answers

Feeling: aggravated
doctors sure didnt lie when they said id be stiff as a board today. i woke up and layed in my bed for a minute and i was like oh this is cool i dont even feel like shit so i can just hang out and run around all day, woops. then i got up. nothing in my front hurt, but lifting my arms half an inch felt like they were going to snap off and i couldnt lean my head back. so i took some of my high powered pain killers and watched movies all day, good deal. i rented win a date with tad hamilton from that imovies on demand thing, it was cute but obviously very corny. then i watched some videos from music on demand, i always liked alexisonfire but after you watch them it makes you like them more. and thats weird because i hate music videos. then i went to get my global review book from the school cause we have like 12 pages due in it tomorrow. i probably have a good enough excuse to not have done it but what the hell. im pretty sure were not going to the city anymore after the accident, but if brendas mom feels better as the weekend progresses she said she might still take us. im just glad everyones okaaaay. very sore, but alive. so tomorrow night we'll go see alex matt bill & kevins band Spoiled Imagination play at this thing our schools having. shortened classes tomorrow!! suh-weet. then some gay pep rally, which i love since we have 2 weeks of school left and sports are over. weve had like 20 pep rallys this year too. i think the traditional one would have been sufficient? we are talking about maine endwell though so nothing surprises me. i think its about time to take some more pain killers and get some sleeep, peace easy homies.
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