if i could find you now

Listening to: Avenged Sevenfold
Feeling: placid
speechless. ignoring people is not cool. its not in. it never has been, never will. at least tell the person/people you dont want to talk to that you dont want to talk to them anymore or whatever. i fucking cant STAND when people your close to dont give any explanation, or at least tell you they dont want to talk about it. UGHH.. whatever though. i hope it'll pass. ive kinda been pissedoff ever since we got out of school early, well we find out about it like 2 hours before but we all have to eat lunch or something before we go home? how gay haa. like people dont have food at their own damn houses. whatever, because spring break is coming up and me and brenda are going on our mysterious trip ;) well not really mysterious but i wanted to feel cool and put that, heee. i found old good music downstairs in my huuuge pile of mix cds. and it chilled me out. super. later bro. ☼ * ☼ * crying, breaking, loving, nothing. ... clouds swallow the moon and i'm a l o n e, thinking good times, and why did they go?
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AHHHHHHHHHHH haha okay i agree we shall mate. ;) i think i love u too, and yessss im so excited to watch Tv at 10...how depressing, haaa

i want to escape to that island in your backround its buueeaattiiffulll=))