oh what a sad, sad song.

Listening to: dashboard
Feeling: pmsy
i'm in the weirdest mood right now. i know it says pleasent but i feel bitchy, but really really good at the same time. my dad pissed me off so bad after school today so i was looking through my boxes of pictures because that cheers me up. i found the funniest shit ever. postcards, pictures {obviously}, letters & notes, movie tickets, negatives, and just little shit i've kept over the years. okay, i've kept everything. i wish someone would be interested in my life and want to see it. my mom sometimes does, but she's probably just pretending because she has to. damnit, someone come over and be interested in my life :) my room is a fricken mess again. theres pictures everywhere you can't even see the floor. better pick it up before i get ass raped by mi padre :) i'm feeling extremely silly tonight. YAY// real world in an hour. i'm going to do homework. leave some fuccccking love!
Read 2 comments
haha i stayed after for her and did three...
have you noticed most the quotes he makes up are about killing...crazy eh?