time runs through our veins.

Listening to: thursday
Feeling: dandy
i havent listened to thursday in forevvver. good stuff. it's the first of march, woo :) birthday in 28 days. i was reading my old entries today, some were sad & good to read and some were just plain embaressing. but you only learn from your past so that's why i don't delete the humiliating ones. my face gets so hot at night, it feels like i have a 105 fever. oh well. it's gonna be 60 tomorrow :-O we're bustin out the capri pants muhahaha. i'm about to fall asleep right here. i need a lap top so i can lay down. omg flo's away message is that how binghamton are you quiz and he got 70%. you should absolutely never brag about that. tomorrow night...i'm gonna be studying really hard for bio ;) i think i need a tutor because i really dont wanna have to repeat it next year. i study and think i do really good on the tests, then i only get like a 66. GAHHH fuck me. but anyways i need to go to sleep or something. leave some if you lovvvvvvvvve me :)
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this medicines making my stomach feel like its on fire
:o)..i say we meet brand new next :oD :oD
eh im melissa...yu if you still wanted to know
haha yeah i know you