
[1]First Name: Jenn [2]Middle Name: Lynne [3]Last Name: Tallman [4]Nick Name[s]: jenni tall [5]Gender: girl [6]Age: fif fucking teen. [7]Birthday: march 29th [8]Height: 5'8 [9]Weight: .98783647fgfgghg367634836gfg3e3 ;) [10]Hair Color: brown/blonde [11]Eye Color: dark brown [12]Ethnicity: german/irish [13]Glasses: yes, pink square-ish rimmed ones [14]Contacts: yes [15]Braces: perfect teeth without them [16]Hair Short or Long: long [17]You Were Born Where: Cape Cod, MA [18]You Now Live: New York :x [19]Astrology Sign: Aries [20]Chineese Zodiac Sign: i cant remember [21]Nationality: caucasion [22]Bad Habits: ciggarettes, blinking way too much, biting nails, licking my lips EVERY damn second [23]Piercings: fucking love them [24]If Yes Where & How Many: 3 in each ear and tongue [25]Tattoos: not yet [26]If Yes How Many & Where, If No Want Any: i want 3 purple stars on my hip [Family] [27]Mothers Name: LuAnn [28]Fathers Name: Jeff [29]Brothers Name[s]: Drew [30]Sisters Name[s]: nonee [31]Favorite Aunt: Judy [32]Favorite Uncle: Joooooe [33]Favorite Grandparent: my grama that im with like all the time, i love her to fucking pieces. [34]Worst Relative: none really, i love them all. [35]Best Relative: ericccc [36]Best Family Memory: all of our road trips to florida, about 15 of them. [37]Do You Get Along With Your Parents: yess [38]Do Your Parents Understand You: yess [39]Does Anyone In Your Family Understand You: eric especially [Pets] [40]Do You Have Any Pets: yes [41]Name[s]: Jingles [42]Type Of Animal[s]: doggie ;) [43]If You Don't Have A Pet Do You Want One: -- [44]Have You Ever Had Any Other Pets Then Mentioned Up Above: i had a kitty named max when i was 4, looots of fish, a parrot, a lizard, and a toad :) [45]Are You Still In School: yea [46]Did You Drop Out: not yet haha [47]Current/Supposive Grade: 10th [48]Favorite Grade: FUCKING 8TH [49]Worst Grade: 7th [50]Favorite Teacher: allll my 8th grade teachers, specially Mahhhar [51]Worst Teacher: Rittenhouse, rofl. [52]Favorite Subject: English and spanish [53]Worst Subject: math and science [54]Do/Did You Buy Lunch Or Bring Lunch: buyy [55]School Sports: noo thank you [56]School Activities: nooo [57]Popular Or What: everyone knows me, does that make me cool? [58]Favorite Dance: mm.. well after the 8th grade dance was awesome, but probably 9th grade homecoming [59]Favorite Memory: erins house over spring break '03 with corny ryan and brenda [60]Worst Memory: mm.. cant think of any [61]Worst Dance: oh Jesus, the xmas dance last year.. we couldnt wear shoes and about 10 people went. [62]Most Humiliating Moment: cant think of any [Favorites] [63]Number: 9 [64]Clothing Brand: billabong [65]Shoes: Vaaans [66]Saying: Holler. and fuck off. [67]TV Show: real world las vegas [68]Sport: hoccckey, surfing, skateboarding [69]Vegetable: broccccoli [70]Fruit: banana [71]Movie: Showtime [72]Magazine: Surflife [74]Actress: Kate Bosworth [75]Candy: Worther's butterscotch shit things, lmao i dont know what there called [76]Gum: Trident Cherry [77]Scent: Curve, and Burberry [78]Candy Bar: Heath [79]Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip [80]Color: gray [81]Season: summer [82]Holiday: christmas [83]Band: right now its silverstein, brand new, and bright eyes [84]Singer: Conor & Adam [85]Group: arent groups the same thing as bands? [86]Type Of Music: emo and hip hop [87]Fast Song: Method Man & Redman - Da Rockwilder [88]Slow Song: mm.. The Used - Blue and Yellow [89]Thing In Your Room: computer [90]Place To Be: in the ocean. [91]Radio Station: 104.1 and 92.5 [92]TV Channel: mtv and the travel channel [93]Junk Food: tortilla chips [94]Overall Food: chiiinese [95]Store: pacsun [96]Shoe Brand: vans [97]Fast Food Place: wendys [98]Restaurant: Chili's [99]Shape: star [100]Time Of Day: night [101]Country: costa rica seems fun [102]State: florida [103]Boys Name: Ashton, Atom, and Dan [104]Girls Name: Roxy and Christina [105]Mall: the carousel mall [106]Video Game: tony hawk 4 [107]Shampoo: panteen pro-v [108]Board Game: RISK! haha and monopoly [109]Computer Game: i dont play them [110]Car: Hyundai Santa Fe, and Honda Element [111]Music Video: blink's videos are good [112]Swear Word: fuck [113]Word: stoked [114]Month: august [115]Cartoon: Daria [116]Song Of All Time: i have no idea [117]Scary Movie: Gothika [118]Team: San Fransisco 49ers [119]Possesion: pictures ( then i skipped a section cause it was gay as hell ) [.Private Life I.E Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll...] [185]Boyfriend Or Girlfriend: no one. [186]Crush: rarr.. [187]Do You Love Anyone Right Now: no sir. [188]Have You Ever Been In Love: once. [189]How Many People Have You Kissed: twelve or thirteen [190]Who Was Your First Kiss: like making out? uhh Alex Kotch in 6th grade [191]Ever Have Oral Sex: yep. :) :) [192]Still A Virgin: yes [193]If Not How Many Times: -- [194]How Many Hearts Have You Broken: none that i know of [195]How Many People Broke Your Heart: one. [196]Best Quote To Sum Up Love: "i guess its typical to cling to memories that we'll never get back again, so slice open my veins and let the romance bleed away." [197]So Whats Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush Like: hmm.. guess ill go with my "crush" haha.. that no one knows who it is. he's cute. he's smart. he's funny. he's kind of amazing. kind of average. and he smells really really good, without wearing cologne. he just has this really good scent that i can smell when i'm behind him. ;) [198]Whats Your Dream Guy/Girl Like: histarical, intelligent, deep, willing to spend hours talking about everything. passionate, comfortable, self-concious, loving, clingy, open. [199]Do You Go More By Looks Or Personality: if you know me, you know it's personality. personality just automatically makes a person attractive. [201]Ever Kiss A Friend: yepp.. like 8 of them [202]Are You Still Friends: with all but one. [203]So Moving Along... You Smoke: cigs. [204]How About Some Weed... You Smoke Weed: no. [205]Ever Trip On Acid: no. [206]How About A Little xTc: no. [207]Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: no. [210]Are You The Little Sissy Who Drinks Mikes And Whine Coolers: yep. [211]Do You Like Smirnoff Ice: love it. [212]Prefer Beer Or Liquor: liquor. [213]So If You Smoke How Long You Been Killin Yourself Now: lol, since 8th grade. [214]What Kind Do You Smoke: marb light 100's [215]Could I Bum One: i haven't smoked since december. [216]Back To Alcohol, Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Skyy fucking Blue [217]So If You Werent A Virgin... Whens The Last Time You Got Some: not sex, but the last time i got some was in June. how s a d. - skipped more - [What Did You Do Last] [339]Last Birthday: partied in binghamton with erin & brenda, went to the laundry mat and talked til 5 a.m. [341]Last Weekend: brenda spent the night [342]Christmas: went to my gramas [343]Thanksgiving: went to my aunts [344]New Years Eve: babysat adam and talked to neil on the phone [345]Halloween: trick or treated with brenda and jessy [346]Easter: went to my aunts [347]Valentines Day: went to a physologist. [The Last Thing] [363]You Ate: deviled egg [364]You Drank: oreo cream blast at the movies [365]You Took A Shower: this afternoon [366]You Wore Out: not sure [367]The Last Place You Went: wegmans with brion brenda & lisa [368]Last Thing You Bought: movie ticket [369]Last Thing You Got Pierced/Tattooed: my 3rd ear hole on my birthday last year [370]Last Friend You Saw: brenda & brion [371]Last Person You Kissed: matt [372]Last Person You Fucked: noo one [373]Last Person You Talked To: mommy [374]Last Party You Went To: Fat Matt's in Florida [375] WTF?: huh? [376]Last Song You Heard: The Ataris - IOU One Galaxy [Now] [377]So What Are You Eating: nothing [378]Anything To Drink With That: no [379]Whatchya Wearin: beach scene billabong long sleeve red shirt, black comfy pants, white socks [380]Any Shoes: nope [381]Hair: curly and up in a messy bun [382]Listening To Anything: no i have a huge headache [383]Talking To Anyone: nope
Read 6 comments
hey! the song in my header is Beck - Loser. hehe =o]

- enlightenxxme -
ben folds rules :)

yeah i know it has nothing to do with nothing but i just was thinking of it

go piano man
i just wanted to comment on your background: IT IS SO RAD! i love conor. that be all.
you have the same birthday as me. amazing. by the way, bright eyes is uber awesome
I forgot who's diary, i was just looking at random people's. Ahh How can u have the patience to fill that out those survey things drive me CRAZY!
that was me who wrote that last comment btw