Feeling: sweaty
AHHHHHHHHH, the warped tour was amazing. saw Rufio, Billy Talent, Thursday, Story of the Year, Motion City Soundtrack, Piebald, Anti-Flag, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, Yellowcard & Flogging Molly. I missed Coheed cause i was TALKING TO ADAM LAZZARA. Got the cutest picture with the drummer of Piebald, got my shirt signed by him & the bassist. Met an awesome Cali kid. Met an awesome Jersey kid. Got more sunburnt than i ever have and i love it. Went to White Castle. Went to Taco Bell. Met a TON of underground bands. Saw an overwhelming amount of hot guys. Shirtless surfer guy talked to me and loved my shirt. Absolute highlight of the summer. And only 9 days til we do it allll over again baby :)
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i want to see some pictures mofo. :*