
Feeling: deep
im like, wicked spiritual right now. zach chastain was just sitting next to me typing something and i was on the tbs website and we had like a 10 minute discussion on them and how amazing Adam is and all. hes like the exact kind of guy id want. perfect. beautiful. im so stoked for their new album. their new song is amaaazing. i cant wait to see them again. your love for them grows when you see them live. its like listening to the cd. they sound perfect. * ** * * ******* ** * * music. addicting.
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just thinking of adam makes me happy :o).. and zach..zach's a cool kid..and he's soo polite :o) well babe, i am outted for nowww

*much wuv y0* haha

ahhhh well u suck then, im getting started dont u worry, haha do u hate me cuz i like stuff like u now? i dont want u to think im "posing" cuz ur entry says that about brittney P and i hope im not the other people ;)

cuz u do love me fuck.
he, i love u ;) and im always here, we have that relationship where we know each other so well but talk hidden. if that makes sense i think thats excatly what we r ;) snuggles*

Jen, i want to make sweet love to you like brown paper bags snuggling with new groceries just bought from the Giant, please, will you marry me?