i love how you can tell all the pieces of me

Listening to: ashlee simpson
Feeling: fuzzy
whoa i dont even remember what ive been doing since last time i wrote almost a week ago. well i guess starting with 4th of july, i went to highland with brenda and brion and hung out with rachel caitlin zach and erin. the fireworks were lame anyway. monday i went shopping and bought pink and black checked vans, theyre HOTT. then i saw spiderman 2 with brion and brenda, and saw erin and jeff there which was sad cause its the last time im gonna see him for 2 years unless i go to Cali next summer with erin, which i can definately do if i want so thatll be cool. i definately wanna check out the west coast 8) i have no idea what i did tuesday. wednesday i dont remember what i did through the day but mark picked me up at like 11:30 that night and we went and chilled at his boyfriends apartment in Binghamton. hes really awesome, he lives with a 33 year old drag queen whos one of the top managers in the country of Video King. pretty random? haha we watched a movie then we went back to shithole {endwell} and picked up brendie and went back to Chris's. we talked on his porch about how the last week of july were going to drive to florida while marks parents on a cruise. we might actually do it, if our parents let us and we come into some money along the way. mark was falling asleep so we decided to go home at 3:15 in the morning. but our nights out arent complete with a visit to Walmart, so we went there and to Dunkin Donuts, and i got home at 4. thursday morning was my road test, which i passed with flying colors. i saw brittany there cause she was taking hers too, and she passed too! :) i went home pissed off though because its my resricted license until september 29th, AND it sucks cause i dont have a job and im not in school right now so i cant drive anywhere. wrong. my dad called the DMV and basically their wicked leinate so its valid for if youre just looking for a job, and other things i guess. so i say im going to the mall to look for a job, which i do, but then i leave and go pick up brenda rachel and ashley. we went to wendys and went to ryan fricks to say hey, jon kolbas, and then we saw someone randomly by rachels house that we drove by a million times haha :) then i dropped my car off at home and went to rachels to go swimming forever. yesterday i woke up at 7:30 and went and picked up brion and took him to summer school, then i went to the doctors, and brenda and i went and picked up rachel and ashley. on the way to getting rachel i saw mr perricone so i pulled over and said hey, and he informed me that hes writing a book this summer and hes putting an excerpt from my evaluation i wrote him in it with my name and all! WOO HOO im gonna be famous. we headed over to Dunkin Donuts in vestal, and i cant wait to get my pics developed cause we took a picture of my beautiful parking job, its so funny. then we picked up brion and saw this EXTREMELY hot kid bmxing in the parking lot so we go over and i got his cell number. (ivan later called his phone and left a message on his machine saying he was me and that i missed him and wanted to get with him LMAO and ivans voice is the deepest one ive ever heard so that oughtta be histarical) then we went to back to town, got gas, called jason falcon but i woke him up and he was dieing haha so we decided to go back to vestal to see ashleys friend Tommy. it took 45 minutes to figure out how to get across the parkway from the back of the press and sun bulletin. there was an airshow going on that we didnt know about and the planes were so fucking low and i was about to cry cause one flew right over my car and i was screaming. i gave tommy a ride back over to BU where he works, and we went to Taco Bell so brenda could pee, then i dropped ashley rachel and brion off and brenda and i went back to my house and took a nap on the trampoline. at like 5 i took brenda home and went and picked up ivan, and we went to the mall to hand in my applications. i saw john at hot topic and hes cooler than ever, i really miss that kid. then we drove to vestal for my FIFTH time of the day cause he said he wanted to go to Office Max, so we get over there and he decides he doesnt want to haha we went to barnes and noble for like 10 minutes then went back into town to get gas, called rachel, and went over and picked her up from the OLA Bazaar. we drove around for awhile, looking at wicked nice houses in Endicott and shit. went and saw daniella at joeys and got some ice cream, then went to my house to pick up jessys sweatshirt and drove out to 38B to leave it at her house. her mom was so excited to see me, i looove her. then we went to ivans grandparents house so he could pick up his bedsheets, and we drove to the giant to see if cool people were working, dropped rachel off at her house, saw dan gogen and talked to him for awhile, then ivan and i went back to my house cause it was almost 9 and i cant drive after that. my parents got home like an hour after and we walked to my gramas so i could drive him home with her car since my dads an asshole and i didnt feel like dealing with his shit about driving and blah blah i went in his house cause ive never been there before and its wicked nice for a small house, i wish i had a loft thing for my room. so yesterday was really fun except for i pissed off my best friend in the whole world because im a forgetful fucking retard and i feel extremely awful. :(
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