brendies house!

Listening to: kymani marley
Feeling: miffed
having the best time at brenda's, its just like old times, me brenda brion and lorin laughing at everything... this is what i've missed! and now that im free of a certain friend, i have these times back!!:) :) we're thinking of starting a ska band, since we would be the ONLY ska band in our school, and since ivan plays the trombone and all.. its just a thought but it would be hott. now that ive said that, you will go out and copy our idea, so nevermind i guess! :) hahhaa i dropped my 8th grade dance dress and shoes off at erins so Shavonda could wear it to the snowball tonight, they decided to go like two hours before, hahha there freaking funnnny. well we're having a grand night so im going to gooo... leave some love homiiiies
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hey...hope you dont mind if i borrow your survey. heh. byes.

ii used to play the trombone lmao :o)

hello. thank you very much. ha. so who are you . you seem to like some good music. modest mouse. nice..and sparta of course. and the funny thing is. my friend always calls me Jade for some reason. i look nothing like him..oh well..have a good day