best night of my life

WELLLLL to say the least last night was the best night of my life so far. left brendas at 11, got to pittsburgh at 6ish and were in backed up traffic for almost an hour, had a bottle thrown at our car by some asshole who kept screaming at us and giving us the finger, then once we got to the pavilion place alex & brion got in right away and brenda and i had to stand in line for like 20 minutes but it was no big deal, lots of hott NICE guys who kept bumping into me and apologizing :) after we got in alex and brion were like no where to be found and TBS started so we just got to our seats and all of us got back together and went up by the baracade for like 2 songs but the asshole security guards made us go back to our seats. i seriously went C R A Z Y during TBS, so much more fun than i had at the brand new concert. i guess i just had a lot of shit on my mind at that one so rachel and ivan didnt get to see me at my craziest :( but yeah it was fucking kickass. after they were done the used was setting up so i went to buy alex and i a shirt, i got him a black one and i got the green pump up the jams TBS shirt which they only had a medium in so its gonna be way too fucking big but what chya gonna do :) we got back to our seats just in time and it was t h e most amazing performance ever given by any band in all of history, they topped tbs more than i could have imagined. all their new songs are awesome and bert is SO FUCKING HOT IN PERSON. we all went fucking crazy it was so much fucking fun. then brenda and i went up to get another shirt and more drinks and some really hot guy came about 2 inches from my face and was all like hey whats goin onnnn and i was like :-O then the guy at the Atticus booth was SO NICE TO MEEEE, and so adorable he was from like Australia i think and he gave us some stickers :D as we were coming down the hill blink 182 started playing Feeling This and we were like AHHH and ran into our seats. blinks set up was AMAZING, it was soo creative. they had like 4 huge TV screens but they werent regular ones they were different sizes and stuff and throughout each song there were different things playing and it was very contemporary and just hella crazy. they played a bunch of their old songs that alex brion brenda MATTTT POWELLLL and i used to listen to back in like 7th grade haha so then during the 2nd to last song travis like disapeared and came up from the ground 3 rows behind us and played this SICK drum solo and his whole set was spinning around and flashing. Then the last song they played travis threw one of his sticks UNDER MY SEAT but i didnt even see it coming until i looked back and saw alex on top of some girl, they had both dived for it at the same time and she got up and she had the biggest gash on the side of her back but she was so cool about it, although she wouldnt give up the stick she was hugging alex which i thought was very cool. it was suchhhh an amazing show, can you imagine doing that for a living?! and they made everyone feel so fucking good inside, especially Bert he was just like we fucking love you from the bottom of our fucking rotten hearts and AHHHH during on my own he was like has anyone ever been in love and i was like WOOOOO and hes like isnt it a fucking BITCH and i was like FUCKKKKKK YESSSSSSS hahaha its cool cause the whole time you feel that there singing right to you and its just the epitomy of amazing. THE epitomy. well since i got home at 6 in the morning i think im gonna just watch some movies all day and wait for my pictures to get done so i can scan them to all you sexy people :)
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the hate i feel for u is immeasurable

happy for you.