eat that salad no dessert

Listening to: kanye
Feeling: scared
i havent made a real entry in awhiiiile! since last weekend.. ashley came over to say bye to me saturday morning and my parents left for the city to see my brothers baseball tournament. we were gonna have a party but bean & flo were going to another one so rachel brenda and i went out with Mark bar hopping in the Hamtons and walmart and taco bell.. the usual. i also met Kyle Bement that day which is awesome since ive been talking to him for a year now and we hadnt met yet. i drove around with him for awhile in Endwell and stuff. rachel brenda and i spent the night at my house then hung out at my gramas all day. sunday we just drove around.. monday night was hilarioooous. after we went out with Mark again, brenda rach and i hung out with Chris Toress & Drew Fessadin and we bought Duster and all got high off of our asses, it was probably the stupidest thing we've ever done but at the time we didnt know how bad it was for you lmao SERIOUSLY funniest thing ever, it slows your voice down and makes it super deep. its bad but so worth the funniness. rachel and i slept like all day then went swimming. wednesday was a road trip day in my car, we harassed Brenda & Brendan at work then picked her up and went to Mr. Perricones house for awhile. The book that hes writing that I'm in is getting published so i'm super stoked :D we ended up taking his daughter out with us cause shes really cool and is obsessed with AFI haha we drove around Binghamton & Vestal and picked up Dannnnny Whitbeck, hottest & nicest kid alive. We went to Walmart and bought cookie dough then went out to eat at the Outback. thursday we went to rachels dad and hung out by the pool, then rachel and i picked my brother up from practice and brought him to some field to hang out with Timmmmy. Brenda and I went bar hopping with Mark again last night and I ended up seeing this guy that manages the Hampton Inn where I wanted to work soooo bad and i had an interview and all but i never got called back :( i talked to him for like 10 minutes and hes like call me i'll hire you and shit so i called him today and hes gonna let me know later on i guess whats going on with that. i will be so happy cause i'd be making a lot of money again and its a much better atmosphere than the Holiday Inn. i'll probably only work there for the summer cause i'm gonna try my hardest to get the job at PacSun. today i have my car so rachel brenda and i will probably go cruisin for awhile then we have to babysit my cousin Adam tonight so i can get money for WARPED TOUR on SUNNNDAYYYY 8) later kiddos
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dude, u totally left out that u hung out with me you douchebag.. rofl.. j.k

-jenni.. that girl you HATE.