Feeling: yummy
i just plucked my eyebrows for the first time in a LONG ass time and i did them like perfectly and now my eyelids are all swollen and i need cucumbers to cool them down! hahaha so last night was a mother fucking blast. i needed a good night like that after the day i had with matt being a fucking douche bag yesterday morning and all. jen and brenda came over and we watched TV & pranked some people and talked to Neil on the phone and begged Mark to take us out. so he finally agrees and hes chillen at his sisters so we get ready and its about 10 minutes to 1 and sneak out my back door and walk up my hill, and it was beautiful last night. a little chilly, but it wasnt freezing and there was a nice hazy glow and i just kept saying i love being young, and these are the times where you just dont worry about anything and you just seize the moment. so as soon as we got up my hill Mark pulled up and we were bummin' at first cuz he had the shitty car, but he brought Britney Spears & a portable cd player so we were hooked up :) hahaha. so we cruise down to Binghamton and the clubs were pumpin' and what not, it was about 1:30 and we were like fuck it lets get out and walk around. so we park across from the Empire Club and walk around, over to the Comfort Zone and over by Flashbacks & the new Tiki Bar, and man over there we had fun. they had good hip hop playing so we just stood in front of the bars where everyone was having ciggarettes and stuff and just danced. it was so fun and it got me so stoked for when i can actually get into clubs and dance. then we got back to Mark's car and we driving past the Empire again and some black dude that we passed when we were walking was getting arrested, hahah it was so funny ive never seen someone actually get arrested. so we were just driving around Binghamton and we decided to go back to the clubs and blast Britney Spears and just keep straight faces, and everyone was like uh what the fuck? and i was like WOOOOO YEAHHH!!! hahaha.. man you had to be there but it was great. it started to rain so we decided to get some grub at Denny's. by then it was about 2:30 ish and me and brenda just got ice cream stuff but i felt like i was gonna throw up for some reason. then mark & brenda found a juke box and played 7 britney spears, christina, nsync, & bsb songs and had a little concert and there was about 4 tables of young-ish people and they were all clapping and stuff. and there was this one table where this one girl kept eyeing Mark when he was singing and she was kinda singing along with him, and it was so cute so finally he went over to her and started talking and we eventually all went over and talked for about an hour with like complete college strangers, but they were so nice. then they were leaving so we headed off to Walmart, because where else can you go at 3:30 a.m. and have a party? hahhaa. so we got there and ventured off to our candy aisle where we steal the candy that you buy by the pounds and it was just funny cause we hadnt been there since August. and of course me and brenda went on our secret shopping cart missions, which consists of flying in the carts through the toy/towels/batteries/car cd players aisles, dodging the people that work there that just give us dirty looks and laugh. its a ritual so ya know.. it was like 4 and we were getting pretty tired, but we went up to this one young girl that worked there and we asked her if NEELY worked there.. you remember, the science teacher that got fired 3 months into working last year? LMAO and yeah he works there..on aisle 9 (the "breakfast" aisle) sunday-friday 10 p.m. - 7 a.m. so the ONE night we go we miss him. but marks gonna take us back there sometime so we can jam with Neely and his penis finger. lolol yeah... we get home at 4:45 and we werent tired anymore, so we stayed up talking til 6-ish, and brenda had to get up at 8 to get ready to go to the syracuse mall so we figured it would be pointless to go to sleep when we would have to wake up a few hours later anyways. boy was that a mistake. we went in the living room to watch TV and within 15 minutes jen and brenda were gone, and every 5 minutes i would wake up and i was like AH I GOTTA STAY AWAKKEEE. at 8-ish brion calls my cell phone and it took me 30 minutes to wake brenda up to take the fucking phone, lol. then i just gave up and went to sleep til like 10 and just layed on the ground thinking how sick im going to be for 2 hours. needless to say, im exhausted and feel like shit. but i have pictures and it was well worth it :) i love my friends.
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