
Feeling: unworthy
right i just totaly missed whatever my keyboarding teacher just told me to do. so today has been a little too weird already. i heard my parents fighting this morning, heard them talking about getting lawyers and all, so i guess their thinking about getting a divorce or something. hopefully that wont happen and they'll work it out. the bus ride was sad. its way dark and rainy out. i love days like this. the more depressing the better. so then i get to school. jessy and sophia are at my locker. i had my headphones on but they were saying something to me. i took them off and jessy said someone had stole my lock and took my favorite picture of Eric down. i fucking through my headphones in the locker and went off. so we went to the office. i completely flipped out at mrs gallagher but eventually i calmed down. i had to talk to the school physcologist for like a period and a half. that was the best thing ive done in awhile. i didnt even know she existed. she was so real, she listened to me so well and only put in stuff when i wasnt talking. she was awesome and she wants me to talk to her more. i spilled about everything. matt, family shit, school, just everything. it felt so awesome to have someone to talk to that had been through stuff and was willing to just listen. she made me feel so much better about everything. im dedicating my first book to her. i was supposed to meet her. thank you up there for finally letting me meet someone like her.
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the song that's in my header on my diary is "rocket" by yellowcard. ¡un canton spectacular! it's swell.
my name is jenn to.
with two Ns, as well.
hey thanx.

that made me smile...:D!

i like your sit name...a lot.

tbs. right now.

sitdiary friends yay!