cause you know where ill be fOund.

Feeling: miffed
after seeing Honey last night im in a hip hop mood, haha. but i cant ditch green day i was craving them. they caught Saddam Hussein! thats rad. hes a bastard. i dont understand why they havent killed him yet, though. im so stoked for xmas. i cant wait to get all my new clothes from Pacific Sunwear and my etnies and money and ahhhh :) im so bored so i decided to put links to the things i want, lol. there not what i asked for for xmas i was just bored and yeah. i shall get them all when im rich one day :) Cali shirt i love these colors way cool I AM GETTING THESE ^ sometimes i think they really design things just for me :) Greeeco! so hot love yeah so its between the above palm tree vans or the no doubt ones. i might get both if my mom feels like being cool :) there too fucking beautiful to choose from. but either way at least i wont be rockin what ANYONE else has. people can go copy someone else. Love :) **************_______________-----******** ☼ no time to search the world around cause you know where ill be found when i come around.
Read 5 comments
i like ur diary..u seem cool
There are some hot clothes there. Im sure they would alot better on me though. Oh yeah. Look at my journal and find one of my entrys with my pics. Then you will what i mean.

aw i wanted to see honey. it looks like such a good movie. maybe i'll go see it tonight..

yay for cathing that ass. i was wondering why they didn't kill him yet too.

those clothes/shoes are uber hawt.

haha later
hah, you crack me up.

i use the word "stoked" too. lol, it's a funny word. i know, they should deffinitely kill that bastard suddamn. sorry, thought i'd comment. hope you don't mind ;DD

i fucking LOVE those vans... i just came like 6 times HOLY CRAP!