uh oh, i can't sleep.

Listening to: mix
Feeling: awake
Name: jenn Birthday: today :)!!!! Birthplace: cape cod Current mood: i cant sleep Current music: brand new - okay i believe you... Current taste: water Current hair: messy pony tail Current clothes: volcom tshirt, surf shorts Current annoyance: its late on a school night and i cant get to sleep, which means ill be late tomorrow Current smell: y.o.u. Current thing I ought to be doin: sleeping Current windows open: none Current favorite band: brand new & blindside Current book: nothing, but i think im going to get one this weekend for the plane ride Current cd in stereo: a mix of mostly brand new Current crush: uh oh ;) Current favorite celeb: hm.. no one really Current hate: my tv - its not working because the cable box is downstairs from this weekend Smoke? not really anymore Have sex?: not yet Give oral sex?: holler Receive oral sex?: i dont have any reproductive organs.. ~_~ Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not right now Remember your first love?: yaaa Still love him/her?: not really Read the newspaper?: in the morning Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes Believe in miracles?: yeah Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yeah Consider yourself tolerant of others:? some Like the taste of alcohol?: after awhile, but some of it is good off the bat Have a favorite candy?: skittles Believe in astrology?: yes Believe in magic?: no Believe in god?: yep Have any pets: Jingles Have any piercings?: 3 in my ears, tongue Have any tattoos?: 2 more years :) Hate yourself: not lately Have an obsession?: music, photography, driving, making out Have a best friend?: yes Wish on stars?: i havent in awhile Care about looks?: its pretty hard not to First crush: mike eggleston innnn kindergarten First kiss: alex kotch or something Ever been in love?: once Do you believe in love at first sight?: yea Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? yes Have you ever been intoxicated?: many. Have you ever been caught "doing something? yes Are you a tease? ;) Shy to make the first move?: not if im positive the other person wont mind Hair: brownish blonde Eyes: dark brown Height: 5'8 *5 things you are wearing* 1. dark blue star undies 2. brown & green volcom tshirt 3. pink surf shorts 4. red bra 5. bracelets *5 things you ate in the last 24 hours* 1. pizza 2. frosty 3. chinese food 4. coffee 5. water Lied? yes Betrayed a friend? yes Been to jail? noppppe Cheated on someone? :/ Used someone? yuh Mooned someone? hahhaa Kissed someone? yes Kissed someone of the same sex? nah Held hands? yes :))) Hugged someone? yes French kissed? yeah Stolen money? yeeea Stolen money from family? yea :( Stolen drugs from family? lol nope Been convicted of a crime? nope Been called a whore? yeah but so has every girl, its just a universal come back for people who have never even slept with anyone before Been called a bitch? of course Tried to kill someone else? yep :) Told someone you hated them? yes i can't get to sleep. i'm still too excited that i can drive.
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happy birthdayyy.. your diary is HOT> ;)