my only sunshIne.

Listening to: Propagandhi
Feeling: artistic
oh my gosh! my diary is working again! fucking thank you to someone. you dont understand the lonliness ive been experiencing due to my entries not working. God bless you. not much has happened since last time i wrote. ive been on xmas break for about 5 days and every single day i have ran for an hour and worked out a bit, took a shower, then layed on my parents bed with the door closed watching tv. every. single. day. im so sick of it. its christmas eve. it doesnt feel like at fucking all. i miss being little. im just chillen, listening to Propagandhi, Bright Eyes, and Mars Volta, waiting to open presents. im stoked. neil got his effing license!! oh man..good times are going to begin friday. so many peoples houses are going to be tormented. cough cough matt. i hope he fucking burns in hell. since last entry i realized im over him, at least mostly. i havent thought about him more than three times in a day, and when i do i dont get sad, or really express any emotion what-so-ever. progress, im telling you, progress. fuck him.. i had things to say but i forgot about them. must have been lies? who knows.. we all need a kick in the ass.. i havent sat down and listened to a Propagandhi cd since 6th grade. im glad i found my cd today, i love them. the only person i actually bought a present for with my own money and thoughts was my mommy. i bought her No Doubt: The Singles cd, Duran Duran aaand Lauryn Hill. yeah my mom kicks major ass. i hear my cousin and brother screaming for no reason but to annoy the shit out of everyone in our house. i figure if i go out and make another appearance we can open presents faster. merry christmas eve everyone. may santa visit you all.
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i loooooveee u ! :o)

merry xmas eve chickkkaaaa!!

-j/e/double n/i
also known as

ok what is your font im seriously in love w/ it!
ok what is your font im seriously in love w/ it!
Ok sorry the comment thing sort of screwed up