something like.. 18.5 hours//

Feeling: pained
surreal. procrastinating has broughten me to only being half packed 18.5 hours before brenda and i will be taking off for florida. it hasnt completely sunk in yet, i havent even seemed overly excited about it. im more nervous than i usually am to go. i dont know what to expect this time with eric and his new boyfriend>>> the plane ride which i never get nervous about and for some reason i could barely eat today i was so nervous>>> along with complete anxiety because im so anxious to see what happens while im there. its gonna be a shitload of fun thats all i know, eric and jason have a lot planned for us. partying in daytona with a ton of extremely hott gay college boys, going to gay clubs, surfing, getting home at 5 in the morning, and my favorite part:: seeing COCHISE!! my lifelong guidance counsler, heeeee. best advice, best outlook on life, he is jesus. dreadlocks and all. hes a beautiful person. with a beautiful daughter, Leilani, and a beautiful mother, Amy, who i can't wait to see. being in their presence is like something passionate that mr. perricone would talk about in his class. yeah its like that>>> ill write at least a few times while im there, take many pictures and post them all when i get back on the 15th. ill love and miss you all, wish us the best of luck! :)
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JENN! i love you soo much and i dont want you to leave me :-( haha have fun u lucky bitch >:-( Loooove YOuuu

sounds like a uncle is gay! and he's the funniest guy in the world! anyways have fun!