5 years of the illest crew$

i've known my best friends for about 5 years now, and even though we don't get to all hang out at the same time much, when we do, it's seriousy crazy. lorin mark brenda and i went to applebee's at like 8:45-ish and got this hella hott waiter, Brian, and he was so nice to me. i had already ate before though so i got this oreo thingy and i thought it was just me but i had everyone try it and it was seriously SOUR as hell. mark was like the milk is deffffinately bad, so he took it back and he was cool about it. so we were all just laughing and having a kickass time, and this gay slow song came on so me and brenda started slow dancing in front of the whole restaurent and then lorin & mark got up and hahaha it was just great. so we get done and it's saturday night, about 10:15, so we cruise on over to downtown binghamton. mark has the best mixes ever, we listened to old school nsync, but the good stuff like digital getdown! lol and of course britney spears, kelis, just lots of sexual songs. we drove around the arena to try to find the highway 4 times, hahaa. i saw so many old spots that i always see when we go there every other month, like where mike proposed to me and the frat guys houses. i said i wouldn't write this in here again, but i really wish i could have my life back from last year..... it's just that nothing's the same. but i won't get depressed right now, so anywaaays... we find the highway and we have nothing else to do because the clubs don't open til midnight, so we go to walmart. we sat in the furniture department for about an hour just talking about the past few weekends and some guy that mark works with came over and he was way funny. me and brenda got those paper toilet seat covers and made capes out of them and everyone that walked by we were like we're germ free and we love it :) yeah you have to see the movie 8 crazy nights to get that haha.. i fell on my ass trying to get in the little car things in the arcade.. then we got in the motorized handicapped people carts like bean & flo and i backed it up so fast that it smashed into brenda's cart, then i accelerated it forward and it smashed into the photo drop off.. lmao then we got some sugar cookies and drove home listening to outkast and a very explicit kelis song :) hahahha i LOVEEEEE my friends :D ;)
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your diary makes me appreciate my friends as well.
sometimes i think i take them for granted.
but thank you.:)
O_o maddie
every time i die/as i lay dying