uhh cOol.

Listening to: Rufio - One Slowdance
Feeling: wounded
today has been kinda gay. had a math test, went to study hall and neil had chemestry, and erica & erin didnt come in til the 2nd half when i had to go back. mr.v was our substitute for study hall cause i guess our real one had chest pains and got taken away in an ambulance :/ but i saw his wedding ring :( made me sad. argh. i just made a cool top ten band thing for keyboarding. it was colorful. its friday and i dont really even like fridays. me jessy and jen are going to the dance tommorow night i think, brenda doesnt wanna go i guess, and then there gonna spend the night or something. who knows. its already the end of 5th period so thats cool. i have a vocab quiz next period in global. AND i actually did my homework. and i worked my ass off in bio to get the lab done, and i did. :) productive ness rawks. yeah well im out, leave fucking love. -edit- son of a bitch, the dance was cancelled. i live for dances, who wouldnt love feeling pretty and doing what you love and being around music, and not hating people for one night. grrrr. i hate living here. were getting 8-12 inches of snow tonight and tommorow night. AHHH i really hate snow, more than i hate people. thats quite a bit of hatin'. so with the snow i hope jen and jessy can still come over. im still pissed about the dance. spanish was fun today. we listened to some girl singing a song that had "ella" in it (girl) and mr sites was like im not too sure if shes a lesbian and it was way funny to hear him say lesbian. haha im still laughing. hmm..oh yeah. when i get home from school everyday i put some cd's on and rock out and dance and shit, and i was dancing around to Outrageous by Britney Spears and I was thinking it would be SO cool to be nominated at least for the valentines dance thingy, and if people voted for me i could make it cause the people from last year arent allowed to run again. that would make me feel good to at least get in the nominees. not to mention this is my last winter here most likely, so come on guys gimmie a goodbye nominee :) hahaha. i promise ill make it worth your while. ill do a cartwheel down the red carpet or something. :D i was down right sad today that mr van fossen is married :( why are all the good men taken and 20 years older than me? its okay, i wont stop dreaming about being bent over his desk :) brittany was talking about the movie Honey in spanish and she said it comes out today. thats awwesome i really wanna see that. Hey! your part of it. leave it. - edit two - My father thinks I am: smart My mother thinks I am: hella cool My brother thinks I am: mean My grandma thinks I am: im not sure, but i know she loves me :D My grandpa thinks I am: there dead :( My best friend thinks I am: she better think i rock :) + your three best qualities: not afraid to be myself, in love with music, very open. + three worst qualities: sometimes i dont let loose completely, i sometimes hold on too tight, and im still in love with matt. + three things you are often complimented for: my style, hair, and jewelery. + a compliment you got that made you blush: most complments make me blush + you get embarrassed when: people bring up old memories, but the funny embarressed, so i dont mind. + makes you happy: obsessions, music, Adam Lazzara. + upsets you: people that conform, posers, and assholes. + you keep a diary: just this one, and my scrapbook is sorta like one. + Like to cook: no not at all + you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yep + you fold your underwear: no + you talk in your sleep: sometimes + you set your watch a few minutes ahead: dont have a watch + you bite your fingernails: yep + you believe in love: yep :) last... x. movie you rented: rules of attraction x. movie you bought: finding nemo, or bruce allmighty x. song you listened to : TBS - You Know How I Do x. song that was stuck in your head : TBS - Great Romances of the 21st Century x. song you've downloaded: something by The Distillers x. CD you bought: dont buy them x. CD you listened to: piebald/tbs/britney/rufio/yellowcard mix x. person you've called: brenda a sec ago x. person that's called you: brenda x. TV show you've watched: the news this morning x. person you were thinking of: mr.V DO YOU... x. wish you could live somewhere else: obviously. x. believe in online dating: yes x. think others find you attractive: i hope so x. want more piercings: yep, nose and labret x. want more tattoos: dont have any, but i want one x. drink: sometimes x. do drugs: gay x. smoke: sometimes x. like cleaning: yes when im anxious x. like roller coasters: yes x. write in cursive or print: both x. carry a donor card: no have you... x. ever cried over a boy/girl: yes x. ever lied to someone: yes x. ever been in a fist fight: no x. ever been arrested: almost What... x. shampoo do you use: panteen pro V x. perfume/cologne do you use: some vanilla stuff right now x. shoes do you wear: vans, but im getting etnies and i swear, you fuckers better not get the blue and orange ones or ill go off. x. are you scared of: spiders and death. NUMBER . . . x. of times I have been in love? once x. of times I have had my heart broken? a few x. of hearts I have broken? no idea x. of girls/boys I have kissed? 12 x. of people I've slept with? none yet ;) x. of people I consider my enemies? no one right now x. of CDs that I own? millions x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? a few x. of things in my past that I regret? no regrets baby! zip zero, stingy with dinero.
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well no sock hop..*tear* haha..daarn..hope we still chill tho :o)..lemee know babes..

oh man, i loe rufio
love** tehe