oh, no.

har har. uh. went out with mark last time i wrote. i was absolutely EXHAUSTED. we went to binghamton to go bar hopping, witnessed a fight, got kicked out of downtown hamtons. belmar was closed. trevors in new jersey getting AIDS anyway. went to walmart and had a nice hour long talk about things. i love him so much and i cant believe hes leaving tomorrow morning. went out to lunch at Vincenzo's with ashley & brenda. bought eggs at eckerd. went down to Marks cottage in Pennsylvania and it was so nice. bought us ice cream. went home and got ready and went to Harpersville to get Kyle. went to brendas house, parents out of town. got drunk with bean flo ashley rachel emilee brion mike tommy kyle mark dave tomsey phil adam DANKO chris & tiera. brenda was so fucking tanked and it was hilarious, especially listening to her stories about how much she loves me haha. got duster @ walmart with chris at 3 AM. passed out 4 times into dave & phil. bean & chris poured hot sauce all over my face and i had to wash my hair and eyes out. huge fight with brenda. were lesbians now. went to dennys with bean tiera mike brenda & ashley. drove beans car home. emilee brought me home. slept til 4. now i think im going out with mark later. its his last night here and i think i'll end up crying.
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jennnn i just wanted to tell you that you're awesome
