blood red summer

ahhhhh this thing is like pointless to have anymore, no one even reads it i dont think? i havent gotten a comment in a long time. uh well anyway.. wednesday night was pretty fun. erin brenda and i went to vestal and got some food at taco bell then hung out in walmart for awhile. brenda pushed me in a shopping cart around the parking lot :) then we went back to my gramas house and walked over to janas house and she was there with some kid, and us 3 just sat there talking about all our old times together, which was histarical. then we went to the gas station and i stayed the night at my gramas and brenda and erin walked home. erin and jeff are in NYC until tomorrow so that sucks. last night brenda came over and the fucking power went out cause we had a huge storm. its funny cause brendas so afraid of them and i absolutely love them. that was so boring, it was out from like 9 - 3 AM. but my gramas house had power so we stayed there. tomorrow lorin brenda and i are staying at Angela's house for the weekend, BY OURSELVES :) cause angela and her family are going out of town so she wants us to chill there. and we get paid which rocks. and she has a POOL which means we'll be swimming all night. then sunday were all going to highland park for July 4th and erin and jeff will be back. and we might go to Binghamton for another party like last week with Petey Pablo and Fresh. it should be swell. i have pictures that i'll probably post later, of graduation and the party and whatnot. LATEr kids.
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hi...i read it

-Dr. Shivago
heh. Lush:-D
lalalallalalal heart