im a slave to my vices

Feeling: insatiable
well i have some things to write about i guess, my week and all, but really i cant contain myself so i have to open up with the best news of the week: on saturday, aka 2 days away, alex brion brenda and i are going to see the used, taking back sunday, and blink 182 in pittsburgh. FHIEHFUDHD. lorin lisa & alex's mom are driving us, thank them times 7847386438464, its kinda surreal still though. im most excited to see tbs (again) because they are my favorite band of alllll time and since i already saw them and met them, i know that its going to be amazing and theyre gonna play new songs from their new upcoming cd and i already know 2 songs from it, there fucking amazing. its a good deal cause brendas most excited to see the used and alex about blink, i dont know about brion hes just excited in general haha HOLLER. so my week, since its thursday and all. uhh, went running w/ brenda tuesday night and she had an asthma attack, lmao it was scary but not as usual cause ive seen her have like 20 of them throughout the years. then last night we went and there were people on the track so we ran around the school then ended up going inside. i left my purse by one of the doors, on purpose, it was seriously so dark by it and im cleaning out my locker when one of the janitors got on the loud speaker and was like screaming my name, lmao. always happens to me man. always. nothing else too interesting has happened, i burped really loud in spanish and made people laugh? that was cool. this week is our baby thing in health, stupid carrying around a 5 lb bag of flour. except i only bring it to health ;) shhh. well thats all i have to offer tonight, later lushes.
Read 11 comments
Ohh How i love you Jen :-)

i know.
youre white.
i wrote you a note.
walk upstairs at the end of this period
youre a shitsack
HAHAA what room are you in?! ill come visit you
do we have a bio teacher?
hmm..OK! did we EVER have one or did she jsut randomly disapear? Cuz as i recall she told us all that she comes to her job cuz she loves it..hmm what job?
i hate u.
