
Feeling: lustful
im definetly so appreciative that my family is so awesome and gets me awesome stuff and is awesome to be around. my grama. sweetest person ever. she fucking got me a $100 gift card for pacsun. the real world: las vegas book. comfy pants. makeup. and this kick ass workout machine thing that i wanted a few months ago. i didnt even know she remembered it. you can do like 30 ab, upper body, lower body, and butt exercises in one little machine thing. and its bright blue which kicks ass. shes my goddamn favorite person ever. scott got me a best buy gift card, and hes sending me stuff from Canada. haha hes so great. hes in the Navy, stationed in Hawaii and San Diego. hes going to Japan and all over the world in a few months. i miss him lots, hes my cousin. hes rad.. eric's stuff isnt here yet. so i get even more shit in a few days. holler! hope everyone had an awesome holiday.
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stupid gwen needs to go on tour
i love your user name.. and tbs is great