my school couldnt get cOoler.

Listening to: story of the year
Feeling: nothing
on top of the two hour delay we had a bomb threat 3rd period. people cant get stupider or else its gonna be really scary. we went across the street to the church like we always do and it made me sad, at like exactly around this time last year we had one and me and matt were good friends and we hung out for the time we were in there. :( ya know what makes me more sad? he was in the same room as me again this time around. with me being able not to say anything to him. with me watching him check out the new girl he talks to. i didnt get terribly sad. i just miss him, ya know? yes, i know... - eDit - i dont like how my mood changes so quickly cause it makes me look dumb. after i wrote the above stuff i realized, yet again, that im in the process of getttting over him. at least thats what i like to tell myself. i really need to like someone else but theres seriously noone worth while around here. at least that ive found. ugh. i talked to eric for like 2 hours on the phone after school. i miss him so much. i hope spring break plans work out so i can see him, and he'll be 18! ciggarettes baby. holler at a player. ___ as years go by i race the clock with you, but if you died right now, you know that id die too, id die too. YOU REMIND OF THE TIMES WHEN I KNEW WHO I WAS, but still the second hand will catch us like it always does. we make the same mistakes, ill take the fall for you, I HOPE YOU NEED THIS NOW CAUSE I KNOW I STILL DO, until the day i die, ill spill my heart for you. should i bite my tongue until blood soaks my shirt, we'll never fall apart, TELL ME WHY THIS HURTS SO MUCH, MY HANDS ARE AT YOUR THROAT AND I THINK I HATE YOU, but still we'll say remember when just like we always do, just like we always do. until the day i die, ill spill my heart for you___
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: ) woo hoo
hey you know your picture in the top left corner...and your background....did you make those or find them somewhere because so many people have them, and ive always wondered how to get one

if its too complicated to explain then its probably too technologically advanced for me lol, but let me know how you got them lol

i know the feeking, like everybody you know is a loser, and you cant imagine liking any of them
i hate missing boys :(

but i love story of the year! yay i love that song. call this number sometime > (1-310-281-7762)

you'll like it

muy moods change just like yours i think because i do the samme thing that you do about the whole matt thing annnd i think the same thing about being no one worth liking around here because that is the best way to get over someone thought i just had to let you know all of that :)