it wont be a pretty sight.

Listening to: fairweather
current clothing: abercrombie hoodie from jason and shorts current mood: not one that id like to be in current taste: pizza current hair: messy and hella wavy because i didnt wash it since i went to the ocean last night current annoyance: being home and i just feel so sad current smell: erics laundry detergent current thing you ought to be doing: probably sleeping because i'm pretty jet lagged current jewelry: pink and green bracelet, hemp anklets, and a cowary bead necklace current book: i was gonna buy one in cinnciniati today but i couldnt pick what one i wanted current refreshment: cough medicine ? current worry: nothing current longing: florida current music: fall out boy current wish: to be back with my family in floriidaaa current lyric in your head: with every breath i wish your body will be broken again current makeup: some lovely smeared eyeliner and mascara from crying since the second i got home current undergarments: all pink current regret: coming home current desktop picture: just blue current plans for tonight/weekend: sleeping/ hopefully going out with bean and flo orrrr hanging out with jason falcon and jimmy current cuss word du jour: i said fuck a lot today, especially when we got to jacksonville current disappointment: being hommme current amusement: talking to ivan about my dog haha current IM/person you're talking to: ivan current love: ice cream current obsession: my pictures i got developed yesterday current avoidance: taking medicine current thing or things on your wall: pictures galore current favorite movie: hmm.. big daddy just because it was a huge joke with brenda eric jason and i :(
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