hello. just updating on my life because i'm bored and waiting to leave. so friday i left brendas house and went home and did nothing all day, but i did get a call that i have an interview Monday at 1 :) so im pretty damn stoked about that. then i went to the mall and saw half of my school because thats what always happens, ugh. we were all supposed to go to the movies with matt powell but his baseball game ran too late and we didnt have rides and yeah thats what happens when you live in NY and cant get your license til your 43. so brenda and i decided we still wanted to party and we made plans with mark. i walked "halfway" to meet her, but i ended up walking the way she told me not to. im kinda retarted sometimes, i thought id get there before she would so i took the longer route and yeah we totally missed each other and she called me when she got to my house and i was on the other side of town. my dad picked me up then we just hung out until 12 when we were supposed to go bar hopping with mark, but we ended up getting into a little fight with him so that didnt happen. we were hella tired and its pretty funny to see us cause we do just about the dumbest things when were tired. we were roasting marshmellows over my stove and got them EVERYWHERE, we were like wiping it all over each other which was pretty homoerotic. we have this laugh that comes out when were next to passing out, its like an old man laugh mixed with choking and i really did start choking and i thought brenda was going to die. oh good times :)
last night i went to see Dodgeball with rachel brion brenda & caitlin. funniest movie, definately go see it. we had a lot of fun in the car ride home, rachels mom is HISTARICAL. she knows like all the dirty rap songs and she was dancing to all the songs. im getting my pictures developed today when i go out to find something to wear to my interview tomorrow so ill have pictures to post later :) i know youre excited.
but you.. you know.
you were my favorite..
its picture time.

my hott boys from biology class, Ben Kevin Kerrie & Chris. awesome times with them.

jon.. haha

last day of school when i skipped english to chill with these fine fellas, rachel nick brenda ron & jon.

nick and his 8 month old cheeseburger-and-water bottle

me and niccccccck

ron and me

rachel me brenda and jon

nick yelling things out the window to people

the period was ending :( rachel, nicks behind her, matt powell and brenda

the bullet hole in the door of the ghetto endicott movie theater

random kids in Endicott that started talking to brenda and i

jon driving us home from the global regents


my doggie Jingles :) i thought she looked cute laying on the floor

caitlin brenda & rachel in the back of rachels van

rachhhh rockin out 8)

brion caitlin brenda rachel and i (with one of my eyes closed because im cool) on the way home from the movies

brion and i :)
hey lush, have fun its the weekend
sorry, didnt mean to bore u with my meaningless comments..rofl