badass mother fuckkkker.

Feeling: glad
damn homie. today was sweet ass. half day, chilled at b's with brion. funny shit. "i can see your flask" "what the fuck is a flask dont you mean facade?" lmao, you had to be there but seriously me & brion together is too much. brenda gave me a HUGE anxiety attack. i'll kill your family. "why don't i have a european accent if i came from europe?" the 2 pairs of glasses brenda's mom bought are ILL. hahha the one is fucking huge, and brion's make him look like he has some sort of disease. we went in subway & the medicine shop with them. brenda and i went to best bagels. "voice box." omg, i'm seriously going to hell. i hope to see some of you there. back to brenda's. mark took me home. i LOVEEEE mark. saturday night is gonna be.. undescribable? my glasses are badass in the corner. tomorrow is already thursday, how sweetass is that? saturday is only 3 days away ;) binghamton/ denny's/ walmart/ mark's for the night. s c o r e. okay i have english quotes to look up. later lovers* sexual healing// helps to relieve the mind. sexual healing, is good for me.
Read 12 comments
that last entry you had with the survey is awesome...but I hate to break it to you that Brand New is better
itsallalie = right

sorry jenn :(
IM me on aim....girlsimnotugly

kisses :)
school rocks my socks dude ctrl+1
yeah i love french its my favorite class :)
oh man thats pretty darn cool!

i always leave my classes and go to the bathroom all the time, i have e.d. all day long
well its not really e.d.
i heard somethin happened after school, you know what it was all about?
no one saw it but someone i know about it, weird huh?