and destroy the prettiest starry night

Listening to: atreyu
Feeling: thrilled
hmm havent wrote since wednesday night. i guess i should start out by saying: always go with your gut feeling. its good to "test" things out i suppose, but man.. so my first day of work was thursday @ 8 am. i filled out a bunch of paperwork and i shadowed this one lady while she cleaned one room and it looked not too bad, a little hard to remember exactly what to do but i know i can get the hang of something once ive done it a few times. so the next rooms we went into, 18 all together, i either cleaned the bathroom or the bedroom. it wasnt too bad, the lady was nice but a little too obsessive with every last detail. ANYWAY, as the day progressed i noticed how everyone that works in the holiday inn are very.. shady. sketchy. something is wrong there and i cant figure out what it is. so i went home and got ready so melissa and brenda could come over. zach picked us up and we went to daniellas for a minute then drove to vestal and saw if the taco bell dude was working but he wasnt and kyle wasnt eitheeeeer. then we went to TGI Fridays and met daniella jessie and brittany there. it was pretty funnn, then daniella let me drive her car over to barnes & noble and brenda and i walked to wal mart and had the best time haha we said hi to everyone we saw to see how many people would say hi back, stole some candy from the open bins that youre supposed to buy by the pound, and went home. i was dreading work the next day and yeah, i was right. see its not the actual labor that i hate, that part is actually pretty fun. and i met an EXTREMELY hot lacrosse player from Colorado who wanted to stay at the hotel with me instead of going to syracuse :) its just the people that work there and everything is just NOT RIGHT. so i went home and cried for forever, haha. and my dad agreed that if i want to end this job and i promise to do all this shit around our own house that i can get my license when i want and he'll pay for my insurance until i find a good job where im happy :) hes a pretty cool guy sometimes. then brion brenda mike and JOSSSSHY came over to cheer me up cause they were in endicott anyway, and after they left i just did nothing cause i was pretty exhausted. i had to miss jens grad party cause i had no fucking ride :( so then this morning i called my boss and told her i couldnt come in this weekend cause my 'cousins' graduation was today and i had parties to go to all weekend.. she was so fucking pissed haha i guess they sold ALL the rooms the night before and teams from Australia and Germany were there for something i was like WOOPS :) shes like call me back later to see if you still have a job and she hung up. little does she know i dont want the damn job anyway. then i got ready and went to graduation with brenda and lisa and we sat with ron and his mom. we had an awesome time and now i am burnt to a crisp cause the sun was about two feet above us? aannnnd i went back to lorins house for her party and hung out with Ang who cracks me up. David Zezlosky {lmao no idea how to even say his name so shut up} came over and i actually talked to him haha AND EDDIE PARKER. brenda was so pissed cause he looked right at me and i go congratulations and hes like thhankks! (HES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURE EVER) and we wanted to talk to him all year and i finally did haha WOO. annnd alex rounds came over for awhile which was fun just talking and shit. then lisa and her awesome boyfriend Shannon who i looove took brion brenda and i to joeys italian ice and my love erica was there! and her mom who i havent seen in forever. daniella and brittney were working and ve never had italian ice before so i got a blue raspberry gilato which was pretty gooood and daniella gave me a free card :) now im home and i think brendas gonna spend the night or something later. BYEEE!
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