i dont think ill ever come back..

Feeling: crampy
ayo biiiitches, i am absolutely exhausted. i think ive been more active and partying this summer than i have ever in my life. no complaints though ;) last time i wrote.. wednesday.. with the pictures haha WELL, ive been hanging with ashley and brenda like everyday. we just drive around then hang out at ashleys. thursday we hung out with emilee and went to wendys in emilees van that has no power steering :) it has been SO lonely without Rach here though, she comes home today but not til late and i wont see her til Monday anyway cause shes going to her lake tomorrow. but yesterday was so much fun. we decided to go on a road trip all day in my car so we got up super early to take brion to summer school in Vestal. i went to my old work to get my green card back but the guy wasnt there so i had to go back later, so we got food then picked brion back up and went and got me some job applications. then i took brion home and brenda and i drove around looking for something to do until we went and picked up her check and went to the mall with ashley. then we went to Hoyts to meet Bert & Flo and me and Bert raced our cars haha then back to Vestal to get my green car which took an HOUR, so we ate the (we hope) complimentary? cookies :D we were gonna go to Berts in Chenagno Forks but we didnt know how to get there. went to taco bell.. then dropped ash off at home cause she had a game. we couldnt decide what we wanted to do so we went to brendas for awhile then met flo & bert at the mall again. then i went home and got ready and brenda brion and i went to Ra Nelle's, this club in Binghamton to see some local bands and brendas friend Brendan. he's the coolest guy ever and he's in college, and we're going to his party tonight ;))) the show was pretty chill, everybody was very cool compared to at Phrank's. brion was getting picked up to go to Max's party that we werent planning on going to but we kinda had to since its 45 minutes out of the way for us to go home. i thought it was gonna be hella lame but actually it was really just kinda chill. we hung out with brian & danielle, and after the 90 million people left we just sat around talking with max and his girlfriend and his cousin danny who is GORGOUUUUS and listened to all of me and brendas stories :) we ended up leaving at 1 or so and i got 3 hours of sleep cause i woke up at 5 and picked brenda up and she helped me do DJ Smyrko's paper route cause hes on vacation and asked me to sub for him. it was horrrrrible, ive only done one other paper route and it wasnt bad at all cause brendas dad told us which houses to do. i suck at addresses and i couldnt find 6 of the houses so i just said fuck it and called the lady and left a message telling her to deliver them to those houses. you can do that i think :) haha then we went and did brendas paper route, and drove around Endwell throwing random complimentary papers at "random" peoples houses. ;) we went in brendans apartment building and looked at one of the empty ones and the refrigerator hadnt been emptied for like WEEKS. then i dropped brenda off and just went cruising around in my car in Maine by myself cause i needed to clear my head of some REALL gay shit. i came home and watched Blue Crush and just crashed hardcore. my parents are gone in Syracuse all day cause my brothers little league team is getting really far in there tournaments which is cool since i might get to go to Cali with him. SO, the plan for tonight is meeting bean & flo and going to a college party. you can read all about that tomorrow..
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monday we should do my hair so you can go get yours done...or whenever youd like 8)