so fucking good

Listening to: brand newwww :)
Feeling: saucy
what an amazing, amazing show last night. let me just say that the way brand new makes you feel when you listen to them at home is multiplied by a billion when you hear them live. it was funny because everyone thought something was wrong with me when i just kinda stood there and didnt act crazy like i usually do, its just i was like mesmerized by jesse and his fucking VOICEEEE and what it does to me. haha so yeah everything was fine last night dudes :) so to explain the whole day to everyone, rachel brenda brion and i went to the spring fling at about 12:30 and were pretty bummed once we got there cause there wasnt much going on, and it was excrutiatingly hot out, NOT COMPLAINING AT ALLL :), but we all had jeans on so we walked across the parkway to wendys and had my dad pick us up after we ate. brion had to go to ithica for a soccer tournament, so just us 3 hung out at my house until rachels dad took us back to the college at 5:30 and we met up with ivan. jessy was there with josh snow, who i used to be really good friends with when i was going out with paul buttt he isnt really the nicest kid anymore, i mean he was nice to me and all but i didnt get good vibes from him. after awhile we saw a bunch of people we knew, john from hot topic, phil and dave, kevin & kristen baker and all their friends, josh jessie pat and amanda, then finally matt vince and doug so we all just kinda talked for a little while then ivan brenda rachel and i found really good spots by the baracades almost right next to the side of the stage, and where i was standing you had a perfect view of the bassist and drummer, plus something to lean against and there wasnt many people over there. i really was planning on staying there for the whole show but ivan and rachel got me to go to the back and at first it was gay but im glad i did because if i stood on my toes i could see jesse perfectly anddd ahhh they were just so amazing. i was about to cry during the no seatbelt song, it was honestly beauuuutiful. brenda rachel and brion crowd surfed which was awesome but after seeing a few people get dropped on their heads and fall over the baracades i was like i think ill sit that out haha overall it was amaazzzzing and i cant wait to see them again at the warped tour. we might go see Piebald later this month and Matchbook Romance in the beginning of june. todaaay i think im going shopping and just chillen here because im pretty tired. man, i cant get over how great they were. when i get the pictures developed ill definatley poooooost them :)
Read 9 comments
when u get your pics developed get copies of the TBS ones too so i don't hafta hurt u :o) haha loveeeee uuu
i love you JEN TALLMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wellll JENNY_FUR i am sooo glad that you had a good time at the concernt...along with alllllll of Maine-Endwell high school lol =)
hahah yeah man i lived in CAli for like 6 months but hey i can still say i lived there hahaha, i love you Jenni Tallll
hey..i was just reading random diaries and i read your latest entry about brand new. brand new is amazing. ive seem them play many times..and i got to meet them and go on their tourbus. ah good times good times
YESSSS! Nails done with like a frenh manacure it would look rather HOT! =)
what the fuck youre so gay
dammit i don't want nice comments. people think its a joke now. ITS NOT A JOKE MY DIARY IS FOR REAL
saweet. i met moneen the other month too. ive met a lot of bands. so many good ones.