i will love you always and forever..

Feeling: guilty
its been a really interesting past few days. uhh brendans party saturday night for starters. got there around 9 with bean & flo, there were only 4 guys. started drinking. bean & flo left. hung out in the parking lot with jessy and emma. went back up and about 30 people were there now, all dancing to awesome music and just having a really chill time. me and brion got really fucked up together. i was standing by the fridge w/ brenda taking shots of whiskey and this extremely hot guy starts talking to me. brion funnels a beer and Trevor, the hot guy, winks at me. then he starts flirting with some other girl. i went downstairs cause i felt retarted and he followed me. we made out like all night but that's it.. and he's 22. which is why i feel like a pretty big whore, i have NEVER randomly hooked up with someone before. we were both pretty trashed but we ended up going swimming at brendans parents house and he was sober for the last hour we were together. i visited him at work yesterday with emilee rachel brenda & ashley and he seemed happy to see me. then mark took us out last night and we saw him and his friend steve at walmart haha it was awkward.. and he kept winking at me and telling me to call him. i really dont know whats the deal with that whole situation because of the way i feel about someone else which i thought i was over but i am completely retarted and the most confusing person alive. i had the car all day yesterday and i was with rachel ashley brenda and ivan for a few hours which was fun. we crashed at marks house and i fell asleep with ashley while his car ran out of gas and they had to push it down to the Mobil? haha it was a random night. but i'm done. Basics.... :x: name = jenn :x: piercings = 2 in each ear and tongue :x: tattoos = not for another couple years :x: height = 5'8 :x: shoe size = depends on the shoe company but around 9-11 :x: hair color = brownish blonde :x: length = middle of my back or so :x: siblings = 1 real brother.. but then ive got lorin brion brenda & mark :) LAST.... :x: movie you rented = i have no idea its been a really long time :x: movie you bought = starsky & hutch :x: song you listened to = yellowcard - only one :x: song that was stuck in your head = the one above which is the only reason i listened to it haha :x: cd you listened to = my chemical romance in my car yesterday :x: person you've called = sam last night cause i landed on his name during the cell phone game at wegmans :) :x: person that's called you = brion :x: tv show you've watched = cyberchase with my 2 year old cousin haha :x: person you were thinking of = thatttt boy who knows who he is DO.... :x: you have a bf or gf = nope :( :x: you have a crush on someone = of course :x: you wish you could live somewhere else= yes :x: you think about suicide = no :x: you believe in online dating = yeah :x: others find you attractive = i guess so :x: you want more piercings = lip :x: you drink = yep :x: you do drugs = nope :x: you smoke = not usually :x: you like cleaning = yeah sometimes :x: you like roller coasters = ive only been on like two but they werent all that bad :x: you write in cursive or print = mix of both :x: you carry a donor card = mm nope FAVORITE.... :x: food = pizza :x: song = TBS - "One Eighty By Summer" :x: thing to do = drive, TALKTALKTALK, music :x: thing to talk about = sex, boys, life, pretty much everything :x: sports = hockey, surfing, swimming :x: drinks = water, moutain dew.. Coors, Vodka, Skyy Blue, Smirnoff :x: clothes = tshirt & jeans or a hoodie? nothing fancy :x: movies = blue crush, showtime, how to deal, anchorman, old school, dodgeball, grind, superstar, life or something like it, gothika :x: holiday = christmas :x: new nerdy saying = "that pisses me off" .. "REEAAAAL mad".. idk youd have to hang around me NUMBER... :x: of times I have been in love? = once, maybe twice :x: of times I have had my heart broken? = enough to suffice the rest of my life thank you very much :x: of hearts I have broken? = i highly doubt any :x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = lets see.. brenda brion lorin mark ashley rachel & ivan.. so thats 7 :x: of people I consider my enemies? = none :x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = a lot :x: of scars on my body? = not many :x: of things in my past that I regret x: well 2 sort of.. but i dont know if i regret them so much now FAVORITE... :x: word = seriously :x: nickname = K-Turn, jenni tall, tbag, tdogg, tbone, tallman :x: guy name = ashton, matt :x: girl name = roxy :x: eye color = dark brown :x: flower = hibiscus :x: piercing = lip is so sexy :x: actress = kate hudson, kate bosworth :x: actor = WILL FARRELL.. and some guy in that movie How To Deal, he looks like adam lazzara :D DO YOU THINK YOU ARE... :x: pretty = sometimes :x: funny = yes :x: friendly = yep :x: amusing = very :x: ugly = sometimes :x: loveable = yes :x: pessimistic = super :x: optimistic = i tryyy :x: caring = yes :x: sweet = sometimes :x: Spell your first name back wards x: refinnej :x: The story behind your user name x: i made it the day after i met taking back sunday and i loved the way adam sang hey lush have fun its the weekend at the concert :x: Where do you live? x: Endwell .. UGHH :x: 4 words that sum you up x: confusing, sexual, emotional, hilario DESCRIBE YOUR - :x: Wallet x: purple and black Roxy :x: Hairbrush x: metallic blue and black :x: Toothbrush x: turqouise :x: Jewelry worn daily x: purple Tanzanite & diamond ring, cowery bead necklace and 4 hemp anklets :x: Pillow cover x: white with gay flowers :x: Blanket x: splashes of colors :x: Sunglasses x: Bean's moms huge sunglasses that i stole from his car :) :x: Shoes x: pink & black checked vans, Etnies sandals, or quiksilver flip flops :x: Handbag x: pink & tan Volcom :x: Favorite top x: green TBS shirt :x: What you are wearing now x: black TBS shirt, black shorts :x: Hair x: extremely messy because ive been sleeping all day :x: Make up x: nothing right now WHO or WHAT - :x: In my mouth x: tongue ring :x: In my head x: getting my cds out of my car and getting ready :x: Wishing x: that i had a lot of money :x: Talking to x: nobody :x: Eating x: just ate pizza :x: Person you wish you could see right now x: trevor :x: Is next to you x: a poster :x: Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month x: 2 warped tours and hopefully floooorida :x: Something that you are deathly afraid of? death :x: Do you like candles x: yes :x: Do you like hot wax x: no :x: Do you like incense x: Yes :x: Do you believe in love x: Yes :x: Do you believe in soul mates x: yes :x: Do you believe in love at first sight x: yes :x: Do you believe in forgiveness x: yes :x: What do you want done with your body when you die x: i dont knooow :( :x: Who is your worst enemy? x: nobody :x: If you could have any animal for a pet x: ivans puppy in florida :x: What is the latest you've ever stayed up x: maybe like 11 AM but the other day it was 8 AM :x: Ever been to Belgium? x: nope :x: Can you eat with chopsticks x: no dammit :x: What are some of your fave. pig out foods? chips and PUSH UP POPS :x: Something you want to make happen for tomorrow? get to know this trevor dude better & possibly figure out what the hell i want out of my life at this point
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