i wanna rock.

Listening to: Twisted Sister
Feeling: radiant
haha bringin' it old school baby. this song is so great, especially in Road Trip :) so yesterday was grand, went to the mall with Brenda and Ivan. While we were waiting for Ivan, this really cute guy walked in, he had that whole ARMY/NAVY look going for him, and he winked at me. It was weird because I've never had that happen to me before, and I actually blushed which I never do, haha. It was cute though. We hung out in Hollister for awhile, listening to music and reading Surfer. That store is pathetic, but they play good music and have great reads. I got my Surf beanie from there cause it was so on sale for $5. :) mmm..went to Friendly's. Got some Oreo crap, which I got all over my nose :) and shot some spit wads that Ivan taught me how to do. then we saw Brittnie & Rachel which turned out to be fun, me brenda and brittnie remininsced for about a half hour, and it was pretty cool because Brittnie remembered everything and i'm thinking this summer we should have a Ghetto Hick reunion. We took a taxi home, well me and brenda, and it was great. The guy was so chill and we talked throughout the whole ride. so today is saturday, i think i might go shopping or something. today will be the first day it's going to be above 0 degrees. i am s t o k e d babies :) leave some love. * * * * you are calm and reposed. let your beauty unfold. pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. spring keeps you ever close.
Read 3 comments
yea yellowcard is pretty awesome. it was just on the radio. rad shit.
omg..im totally jealous!! where do you get to see them!!?!?!


Holler at chia boi lmao<3
