
Listening to: Allister
Feeling: funky
What are you wearing?: white long sleeve Roxy shirt, tilt jeans, blue & orange etnies Do you wear makeup?: cover up, eyeliner & mascara. How many pairs of shoes do you have?: etnies, vans, and sketchers. What do you think about Cigarettes?: good once in awhile. they chill you out a bit. What do you think about Alcohol?: fun, hangovers are not. What do you think about Pot?: i used to smoke a lot and it got me no where. i personally think it's gay but whatever. What about any other drugs?: gay. Have you had sex yet?: nah, but its okay. no rush. theres other things to do ;) Do you like the sex your getting?: ;) Do your partners enjoy the sex you give?: ;) Have you ever considered hooking up with another girl?: yep. What is in your room?: blue futon, tv, dvd player, stereo, computer, cd rack, ab slide, clothes, books, bob marley wall, surfing wall, 2 walls with pictures of friends, a garbage, shoes everywhere, tatoo ink, film, stuff that jessy wrote on my walls, hair straightener. yeah. i have this itch on my upper left back that WONT GO AWAY! someone come itch it for me.
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Aw man you sound wikked fun!