
Listening to: Finch - Stay With Me
Feeling: headachy
last cigarette: last week after school last kiss: as in like with a boy, june 13th. last good cry: thursday morning, to the school physcologist. i love her. last library book checked out: i havent been to a library to get a book since i was little. last movie seen: i saw honey last night, but i just watched sidewalks of NY, and love & sex on HBO. last book read: the catcher in the rye for english. last beverage drank: grape cranberry juice. last food consumed: tortilla chips last crush: kevin last phone call: brenda last tv show watched: room raiders last time showered: yesterday afternoon last shoes worn: vans last cd played: saves the day - in reverie last item bought: a new tongue ring, and my movie ticket for Honey last song downloaded: jet - cold hard bitch last annoyance: all the fucking snow outside last disappointment: the show being cancelled today, i was going to go by myself haha last soda drank: coke last thing written: hand written..something in school last im: neeeeil last weird encounter: last night i went to this chinese restaurent with my parents and i saw this kid that i macked in 6th grade whos suuuch a douche bag now but we were laughing when we saw each other last ice cream eaten: i dont really eat ice cream but last weekend i had chocolate for my dads birthday. last time wanting to die: yesterday at the mall when i saw matt and ryan last time hugged: my mom earlier last time scolded: earlier today last time resentful: going to the mall yesterday and making any contact with matt last chair sat in: besides this one the one in my living room last lipstick used: some blistex chapstick minty stuff last underwear worn: purple last bra worn: red last shirt worn: quiksilver last show attended: taking back sunday/piebald/vendetta red/moneen 1 MINUTE AGO: my dad told me to turn my music down 1 HOUR AGO: watching Room Raiders with my mom 1 DAY AGO: sitting here at the computer 1 WEEK AGO: sitting here waiting for company to come over for my dad 1 YEAR AGO: probably with Erin..fuck i miss that :( I LOVE: partybuds family friends food taking back sunday warm weather surfing florida blankets stars summer I HATE: winter, cold weather, waiting, anxiety, loneliness, matt, school I FEAR: not knowing what i want to do with my life I HOPE: i am famous one day I FEEL: lazy I HIDE: some of my thoughts I DRIVE: my dads ford focus and tauras I MISS: matt, summer, erin, cornwell, 8th & 9th grade, eric, warm weather, the beach I LEARNED: lots about myself I NEED: a job I THINK: all together too often current clothes: blue roxy pants, billabong hoodie, quiksilver shirt..just sleepy clothes :) current mood: tired and lazy current music: aaliyah.. current taste: tortilla chips current hair: kinda messy and just back current annoyance: freezing my ass off current thing i should be doing: taking a shower current desktop picture: a beautiful picture of the sun over the ocean current worry: nothing really 1. What do you most like about your body? my hair sometimes, eyelashes, smile, teeth, legs 2. And least? everything else i guess lol 3. How many fillings do you have? zeeero 4. Do you think you're good looking? sometimes 5. Do you look like any celebrities? this one girl off a soap opera
Read 9 comments
i live in geneva, illinois. known as crap. hah, it's actually pretty wealthy. i'm just sick of it. where do you live?
i love new york! but i guess if you lived there a long time you'd know more than i do. hah. mind if i add you?

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)

it sucks that the show was cancelled and u wouldnt have gone by urslef cuz i was gonna ask u to go with me :)
