hOme sick ;)

Listening to: watching - Rich Girls
1. Name: Jennifer 2. Nicknames: jen(n), jenni tall, j tall, j tizzle, jennibean, jenny lovely, onion :) 3. Gender: female 4. Birthdate: march 29 5. How Long can You Hold Your Breath? dont know, a pretty long time if its in water 6. Boxers Or Briefs on guys: boxers 7. Disney World/Disney Land? ive been to disney world 300 times and i hate it, but never been to disney land 8. Favorite Colors: pink, blue, black 9. Favorite Gum: juicy fruit 10. Can you swim? yes 11. Do you like to swim? more than anything 12. Favorite Cartoons: lilo & stitch, Daria 13. Favorite Actor? john cusack, ryan philippe 14. Favorite Actress? brittany murphey 15. Do you have an accent? to people that arent from here 16. Do you have a job? no 17. Premarital sex: whatever feels right to you 18. Sex with furniture? uhh if you mean ON furniture, lol, then yeahhh 19. Do you prefer pools or oceans? oceeeans but pools are nice 20. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? no 21. pencil or pen? pen 22. Who's better....boys or girls? boys, i dont get along with girls too well 23. Would you like to own a motorcycle? no thanks 24. Do you sing in the shower? yes 25. Who's the best looking person you know? lauren farrell 26. The best way to die? sleeping 27. What age do you want to live to? whatever 28. How do you want to die? in my sleep 29. Have you ever called a 900 number? yep 30. Do U Like Silver or Gold? silver 31. Do you like dressing up? once in awhile if im in that mood 32. When is the last time you dressed up? homecoming, but everyone said i looked like i was going to the beach haha i love it 33. What did u wear? short Roxy jean skirt, quiksilver flip flops, blue and white striped button up shirt, black wife beater tank top 34. Would you rather be short or tall? skinny and short, but being tall is cool 35. Do you enjoy reading? magazines 36. Do you watch TGIF? awww i miss that!! haha 37. Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fav? Tigger, idk i never really liked that show or movie whatever it was haha 38. What was the last movie you saw? swimfan, but in theaters i saw Honey 39. HeLLo AnYoNe HoMe?!? uh..yeah 40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nope 41. What's your favorite Nintendo game? super mario or dunk hunt :) 42. What movie do you really want to see? i wanna see scary movie 3, gothika, and honey again..i loved those movies 43. What are your personality traits? funny, real, artistic, chill 44. What is your biggest wish? to just find someone i can be genuinelly happy and comfortable with 45. What's your biggest fear? death 46. Who are your favorite people? brenda, ivan, brion, lorin, mark, jen, melissa, matt powell, adam lazzara, rachel, kelly osbourne, my family, mrs. root, mr van fossen, erin, Co, lots of people :) 47. THERE'S NO QUESTION HERE!! cool. 48. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? nope 49. Do you like to dance? love it 50. Do you drink? when i get the chance 51. Do u do drugs? gay 52. Do you smoke? yes 53. What do you think of people who drink? for the next few questions, these things dont make who you are, you can do these things and still be chill, so whatever. 54. People who do drugs? above 55. What do you think of people who smoke? above 56. Better to cry or laugh? laugh 57. Do you think men and women can ever just be friends without wanting each other? yes 58. Do you pick your nose? of course! 59. Do you bite your nails? not as much as i used to 60. Do you believe in God? yes 61. Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex? too many times 62. Who in your life is your biggest role model? my grama 63. Do you watch Happy Days? no never did 64. Did you ever have a crush on a cartoon character? yeah, the guy from daria haha 65. Do you organize your CD's? no 66. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character? cookie monster 67. Do you like Marilyn Manson? nooo 68. Who is your fav Dawson's character? the gay guy, and jen 69. Who is the loudest person? jessy 70. Who is the Weirdest? probably me 71. Is the Funniest? erin and brenda 72. Nicest? brion 73. Makes fun of you the most? brenda 74. Sings the Best? brenda has a good voice, id like to say myself but idk hahaha 75. Prettiest? lauren farrell 76. Smartest? ivan 77. Cutest? dont knooow 78. Flyest? uhhh 79. Do you sneeze a lot? yes 80. What is your favorite kinda music? emo, hip hop, r&b 81. Favorite stations? the radios lame 82. MTV or VH1 or CMT? MTV 83. What are your favorite bands? tbs, the used, senses fail, the distillers, piebald, weezer, the rocket summer, the prize fight, streetlight manifesto, straylight run, spitalfield, slick shoes, reel big fish, planes mistaken for stars, no doubt..yeah theres wayyyy too many to name 84. Are you a vegetarian? hell no 85. Where are you from? Hyannis, Massachussettes 86. What is the best thing about you? im a true beach baby - born 2 blocks from the ocean, biiiitches 87. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends, stupid or cool? hahahhaa i used to fucking do that, its awesome man 89. Are you single? fo sho 90. Are you a player? fucking gay 91. Best aol friend? umm..lol 92. Do you prefer to go out with people older or younger than you: older 93. What was the last cd you got? i burn them all 94. Favorite TV show? mad about you, real world, the bachelor, rich girls 95. What color are your eyes? brown 96. What Is Your Natural Hair Color? blonde 97. But what color is it now? brownish blonde 98. Who are you mad at right now? just matt, but its like an everlasting anger 99. Last time you showered: yesterday 100. What color pants you have on right now? navy blue 101. What shirt? brendas gray soccer shirt/ gap hoodie 102. What was the last thing you said? "alright here she is, bye" 103. What's right next to you? my bob marley wall 104. What color is your computer desk? wood 105. What's the last 2 digits of your phone Number? 36 106. What was the last thing you ate? potatoes :) 107. What's written down in the computer section of your profile? what the fuck i dont get this question 108. Did you notice that many of the questions are missing? no i didnt pay attention to the numbers 109. If you had to choose right now, who do you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with? hm..matt, but not the matt that he is right now, the one i knew last year. besides that, Adam Lazzzzara :) How long have you known this person(s): ive known matt for a year and a half, adam since november 111. Do you have a pager? no 112. How many buds are on your buddy list: 115 113. How's the weather right now? cold, a little tiny bit of sunshine 114. Brandy or Monica: i love them both 115. What's Your Screen Name: heylush333 116.What's your name backwards: refinnej
Read 3 comments
hey i thought i'd put you on my friend list. hey by the way you have a screen name jw

dude, i had a crush on that guy from Daria too!! her friend's brother right?! lol..man, he was a HOTTIE..lmao! :oD

-j/e/double n/i