fuck me dude.

Listening to: coheed
Feeling: energized
ahhhh i hate leap year!! fricken coheed would have been playing on a Saturday night in Niagra if it wasn't leap year, and it's the day before my birthday! but it's on a fucking sunday. GAH. eric is a lucky mother fucker, which is why i can't wait for two years to come when i'm with my party buds because ALL the good shows are in Florida. not to mention.. his birthday is March 8th right? and fucking coheed afi & thursday are playing at Lake Buena Vista House of Blues and he's met Coheed & AFI a shit load of times and there going to fucking sing happy birthday to him on stage. it's cool though cuz we'll see c&c at the warped tour but mannn.. those two years until freedom and parties and shows and HARD STUDYING FOR MY FUTTTUUUREEE with the greatest three people i know can't come soon enough.. :) this is a sweet ass shirt. dildos? i hope all this working out pays off sometime soon.. but it's hella fun. gets me pumped for the summer and surf season which is in WHAT, less than 2 months? ;) can't fucking wait. hopefully we'll get to chill with ivan when we're down there, and kevin baker's like 15 minutes from eric's, rofl. it's gonna be S W E E T. hotties everywhere :) i gots to do some homework so lattter lovies. "i feel like music sounds better with you..."
Read 7 comments
we should elope
jennnnn thanks for the comment dude..it made me smile :oD.. i lovee yooouuuu

and uh.. i'm gunna be in florida during spring break too (if everything goes riiight):o) lol..

peace out y0.


-the other jennnn-
Spanx for the comment.. I saw u were listening to Yellowcard in one of ur entries.. thats supafly.
because...its you jennifer, its you
maybe i'll tell ya later

suck a dick and leave em' sick
who am i jen!?!?!? IM A REFLECTION